first time meeting

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Y/N= your name
Y/F/N= your friends name

Today is going to be a great day today y/f/n got tickets to see michael jackson in concert. So i go ahead and put something casual when i was done i heard my doorbell ring and i knew thats y/f/n here and ready to go so that we can get our front row seats. Moments has passed and we go into the arena and we find our seats in the front row but of course you know what happens when you are at a concert your to busy jumping around and dancing to the music and all of that extra stuff people do at shows. Hours has passed and michael slows things down and ready to sing i just cant stop loving you and everyone knows he picks a fan to join him on stage and he sings to the girl snd crowd too so his body guards come over to me and they bring me on stage so my heart is hyperventaling and im very nervous but once he took my hand and brought me in the middle of the stage the music starts and he starts singing

Me and him are dancing back and forth its weird how my body fits perfectly with his but who cares dancing with him just makes me much happier and better too. It was that time for the guards to come get me off stage but dont bring me back to my seat they just bring me to a room and i look around and realize they brought me to his dressing room so i just sit down and watch from the screen michael finishing up the show. Once the show was done he says "thank you and i love you" he bows down to the audience and then walks off stage.

Michael's POV
The show was great the fans were amazing but that girl i was dancing with was something i felt magic so good thing i sent her to my dressing room so i can talk to the girl more often and get to know her as well. I walk in the room and sit next to her and say "thanks for coming to the show. Did you enjoy it?" She smiles and says "yes it was great like always" i then say "well you know my name. Please do tell me your name" she then says "y/n t/l/n" i smile and say "thats a very beautiful name for a very beautiful woman like yourself" she just blushes her blush is just so adorable shes adorable. She stands up and says "i have to go now i have work tomorrow" i then stand and say "hold on a second please" i write my number down on a piece of paper and then hand it to her and she accepts it and says "okay when i have time off i will thanks for another good show of yours. I had fun" she left and all i can do is just smile and think to myself when me and her aint so busy im gonna make a date with her cause i seriously need to get to know her more.

Well hope you guys liked/loved my first MJJ story. Feel free to message me or comment in the comment section if you want a imagine. Feel free im even gonna write a few for me too but feel free to message/comment if you want. Much love and MJJ hugs to you all

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