Ella Anna Nicole Jackson ~3~

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Michael's POV
Here I am standing and looking at all the pictures of me and my wife that we took together. I take a picture into my hands and it's of me and her and all four of our kiddos smiling. I start to cry and put I down I then pick up a picture of just here bring it to my chest and hold it like I was holding her. The crying gets worse and I say "I miss you so m-much. I-I-I'm not me w-without you" as tears still come upon my face I put the picture down and go to my window I open it and then a gush of wind erupts and not believing what I am seeing. She's here as in ghost form of course I say crying "Khia I miss you so much" a tear goes down her ghostly face. I wish I could wipe it away and I wish there was a way to bring her back I just wish I could. She comes up to me and puts her hand on my face which meaning I can not feel at all which puts a tear to my face. She says "just think of me and I'm here. Always" I say "I miss your voice my love" she kisses my cheek which I can't feel but it doesn't stop me from saying this "I felt it" I add "I wish you here to cuddle and be with me" she kisses my cheek again and my kids come in the room and not believing what they are seeing. Paris says "mom?" blanket says with tears "your a ghost" and then prince says "so pretty" and then Ella says "my team won yesterday's game" she goes up to her and smiles and a thumbs up and Ella says "thanks mom" she bursts out into tears. We're all in tears she puts out a finger which meaning 'give me one minute' she goes out the window and we watch her fly into the sky and then comes back down as an angel. And comes back in and stands with feet she smiles and says "solid grown" she walks to Ella and hugs her Ella says "I can finally feel your touch mom" I go up behind her she turns and hugs me I hug back and tears come along and I say "finally after 15 years I can feel you again" and she says "and now you can finally feel this" she kisses my cheek and I kiss her lips and say "can we feel your wings" her wings sprung out and we touch and feel them. It's so nice in a way on feeling her touch once again

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