He saves you part 2

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Michael's POV
So it was just yesterday when i saved that girl and today is the day we're meeting today at my place here in my neverland ranch home. I cooked up spaghetti and breadsticks to the side and whine to drink it all down. I say this the meal is a winner. As soon i heard a knock on the door i get excited and go to the door and open it and say "wow y/n you look stunning" she smiles i take out my hand and she accepts my hand and i take her to the kitchen and i pull out her seat for her she sits and i push her in gently and then i go over my seat and say "thanks for coming over and joining me" she smiles and says "no problem!" We eat and enjoy our meal.

as we finished meal that was provided i say to michael "thanks for the delicious meal mikey. And for saving me yesterday i would've died" he chuckles and says "my pleasure and good thing i did so" we both laugh lightly at the remark he just said he then puts on a song

We danced to 'because you loved me' by celiene dion (my favroite love song) i layed my head on his shoulder and he puts his chin on my head and us swaying slow side to side. We looked into each others eyes for a moment seeing both of our brown eyes he lean in and i do the same and as soon you knew it our lips meet and moving in perfect sync.

We break apart and he says "will you be my girlfriend? I know, i know your younger then me but age aint nothing but a number and you cant put a price on love. Will you be mine? Ill treat you right i promise" i then say "yes"

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