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"Think again, if you marry me! your love story will never get a happy ending!" Ishi said sitting beside Ayaan.

"I don't care. Your marriage was ruined cause of me." Ayaan replied with rage in his voice yet low for others to listen.

"Ayaan but I don't want to marry you. I have my plans. If I say no they will force me anyhow but if you say no, they won't force you. You got the best team of cousins to support you!" She pleaded just to make him understand.

"Everything okay bhai?" Mahira asked sitting beside Ayaan.

"Yes." He replied. The wedding ceremony was about to begin. Kazi sahib was on his way to the marriage hall. Meher suspected something wrong between Ayaan and Ishi. She tried to enquire but failed.

"Mahira!" Ishi called her.

"Yes bhabhi!" She said with guilt in her voice.

"I can't marry your brother!" Ishi said in a depressed voice.

"Really!!!!" Mahira, Meher and Seher exclaimed at the same time. Meher and Seher were passing by when the two and heard them. The girls seemed very happy hearing Ishi's statement.

"You guys aren't angry on me?" Ishi asked surprised or say shocked.

"No, I mean why so bhabhi? Why don't you want to marry Ayaan bhai?" Meher said trying to control her smile.

It was clearly visible from the girls's faces how happy they were. 

"I want to continue my career and that is why I threatened my last fiance and he ran away from the marriage. But your brother he is impossible!" Ishi said frustrated.

"He is my Bhai! If he commits something he will go miles just to complete his promise." Mahira said proudly.

"Ladies! If you could please excuse, Kazi sahib has arrived. Time for Nikah princess." Fahad said caressing the face of his sister.

The girls left the bride sitting beside the bridegroom, they were separated by a curtain in between them but somehow managed to talk to each other.

Kazi sahib came and greeted the couple. He first went to Ishi and asked her

"Ishi Khan, apka Nikah Ayaan Sheikh,  walid Talib Sheikh k sath tay hua hai. Kya apko Ye Nikah Qubool Hai?"

[ Ishi Khan, your marriage is fixed with Ayaan Sheikh, son of Talib Sheikh. Do you agree with this marriage?]

She looked at the girls once and then to Ayaan but he sat their still. She knew she had no other choice rather than saying yes it was her family's reputation that was on risk.

"Qubool hai!" Which meant ("Agreed/accepted")
She said after a lot of mind planning.

He asked her the same question thrice and her reply was the same.

The family rejoiced on her 3rd 'yes' and hugged each other. The cousins were looking at each other just to get a signal from Allah to stop this marriage but there was no sign.

Soon it was Ayaan's turn to answer Kazi sahib. His eyes were fixed on the gate.

"Mr. Ayaan Sheikh, apka Nikah Ishi Khan, walid Rafiq Khan k sat tay hua hai. Kya apko ye Nikah Qubool Hai?"

[Ayaan Sheikh, your marriage is fixed with Ishi Khan daughter of Rafiq Khan do you agree to marry her?]

Ayaan hesitated once and then raised his head. He saw a lady entering the door. His eyes got locked to her eyes. He was not able to speak. He tried hrd but those pair of eyes were yelling him to say no.

"Mahira, look Sana arrived." Rabiya said with teary eyes.

"Poor girl!" Meher said looking at her.

"Allah miya please stop this marriage. Bhai please don't say yes!" Mahira prayed but she felt as if her prayer didn't even reached almighty with the next words she heard.

Ayaan said with tears forming in his eyes. Sana took steps down the 3 ladders one by one that were placed on the entrance. With each step she took a tear escaped her eye.

"Kya apko ye Nikah Qubool hai?" [Do you agree with this marriage?"] He asked again.

Sana's heart escaped a beat. She was staring at Ayaan just to hear no but on the other hand she knew he was also forced into this marriage.

Ayaan closed his eyes this time. He wasn't able to bear the pain in the eyes of his love.

"Kya apko ye Nikah Qubool hai?" Kazi sahib asked the 3rd time.

"Bhai no, please no!" Seher murmured.

"Ayaan please!" Sana murmured and turned her face.

Ayaan opened his eyes. He saw sad faces of all his cousins. He saw Sana turning her back towards him. His heart ached. He wanted to stop her but then saw his mother smiling at him. He didn't thought again for a single time and opened his mouth to say...


"Stop it!"

A long lost voice was heard after ages in the Sheikh Mention. Most of the faces turned shocked while few lit up.

"Ayaan you are not marrying her at any cost!" She said holding Sana's hand and dragging her back inside to the stage!



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#Love _Maira

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