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June's POV 

    My hands were shaking as I walk towards the classroom. I didn't know why the hell he would want me there this early, when he probably knew that I would probably want to sleep in which is what I want to be doing right now.

    I arrive at the door and try to open the door but it's locked. Oh you have got to be kidding me, I moan in my head. I bang on the door and evidently that knocks the door loose. I open the door and walk in. No one is there and well, I feel quite awkward. 

    I pull out my earbuds and plug them into my phone an play my random mix. Strangely a Fall Out Boy starts playing and I want to laugh. It's 7 minutes in Heaven, one of my favorite songs by them. I sing the lyrics and it's as easy as breathing. I know them so well and I start smiling like an idiot. 

    Almost to the end of the song I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around to see Mr. Stump behind me. Fuck my fucking life. leave it to me to do this. Shitty shit shit.

    "Hi," I manage to squeak out. 

    "Hi, I see you are a fan," he chuckles taking a seat next to me. I turn around and take the ear buds out. 

    "Yeah, Amelia got  me hooked and well yeah," I smirk not knowing what else to do at this moment. 

    "So it took your friend for you to start listening to us?" he laughs. 

    "Well she told me to find you guys, I decided to listen on my own. You guys were amazing and well I got addicted to the music. I am a music junky and nothing can save me," I laugh making light of my addiction to music. 

    "Really, that's actually pretty funny," he laughs and I feel as if I might have saved myself. Oh thank god.

    "So why did you want me to come in here early?" I ask wanting to know why I had to get up fucking early in the morning. 

    "Well I was thinking that since you were the only one who really gave a shit, you might want some private lessons," he says shrugging his shoulders. God him plus shrugging is officially turning me on. FML! He's my teacher for Christ sake!

    "That'd be great, and that would seriously be a dream come true. You know since you were a part of one of my favorite bands," I smirk at him.

    "Ok, any song you wanna start with?" 

    "Alone Together, it's one of my favorite songs ever," I say quickly.

    "Alright, let's go in one of the practice rooms," he says nodding his head towards the door. 

    "Ok," I say all dorky like, and then the stifled laughing begins.

    "What's so funny," he asks as he grabs his guitar.

    "Nothing, it's just that those rooms are known for for being the place to make-out," I try to hold back my laughter as we enter the hallway to the rooms. 

    "Well I'll yell into the room before having us enter," he chuckles and we go into the room. I was suddenly hit with the mental image of me and Mr. Stump making out. Fuck me. I shake my head to get it out but it just becomes more vivid.

    "You ok?" he asks me.

    "Yeah, just some crap in my hair," I say trying to cover my weirdness. 

    "Alrighty, let's begin." He shows me the first chord and I can already tell....

this is gonna take forever. 

Amelia's P.O.V. 

                 All I wanted to do was sleep in, but June had guitar class and she was my ride and now I’m here shit early. I sit down and close my eyes. Then I open my eyes, and I try to close them again and I just can’t do it. I don’t trust these people enough to just leave me alone and so I guess I’m just awake for the rest of the day.

                And well, doesn’t that suck?

                I walk around the school and past the music room, and I can’t help but blame the room. It’s not the room’s fault but it is.

                I stretch and close my eyes for half a second while turning a corner, and really I should have known not to try and multitask while walking, but that didn’t stop me; I ran right into someone.

                “I’m so sorry!” I gasp out as I lose my book bag and start to tumble over when arms are around me.

                “No, I’m sorry!” And that accent is one of a kind, and I look at him and he is the one who caught me.

                “I’m the one who wasn’t paying attention,” I say, I’m standing upright now but his hand still lingers. Afraid I’m going to fall over still..?

                “I wasn’t paying attention either. And you’re the one who almost fell over…” He moves his hand away. Are we really arguing over who gets to be sorry? Who is the more humble, the more polite?

                “Well…” I don’t think it matters, he can win. “Alright. About the Play,” I say looking at him, “Why didn’t you just wear a shirt that said, ‘I’m in movies and go watch them’”

                Mr.Hiddleston looks at me for a while and then says, “I was in The Deep Blue Sea, yes, that doesn’t mean I can’t love the play,”

                “Everyone is going to watch the movie, that’s what we do, we look for and watch the film adaptions of the play or musical we are doing. They are going flock to our club not because they care about theatre but because our theatre teacher is in movies. Maybe you don’t mind if we have a bunch of half-assed workers but I do.” I take a breath and look away for a moment, but I look right back at him. If I’m going to scold him I have to be willing to take scolding.

                “That’s not what I want, but I love this play. It’s raw, but still a play that high school students can do without me losing my job,” he sighs, “I hope you’ll still audition.” He walks away and I can’t help but feel bad. I had wanted to talk with him about it after school. I had wanted to be more civilized. I had wanted…

                “I’m sorry,” I say once again, even though he’s gone and even though I had let him win and even though it was too late. “I’m sorry.”

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