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June's POV 

    Stats and AP Lit... bore holes. God this was not the best thing in the morning. I am starting to be in desperate need of coffee. God this was awful. AP Creative Writing is what class I am sitting in now. The best part of having this class right after Lit, is that it is literally the next room to  the left. I am never going to be late to this class. 

    I take a seat in the middle of the class and start drumming on my desk. I am a drummer at heart so I can keep the beat really well. I am waiting for Amelia cause I have so much energy from 0 hour and I have to tell her about Mr. Stump. Holy Fuck! 

    I look towards the door to see her strut in. God I wish I could walk with that amount of sass. 

    "AMELIA!" I yell whisper and point to the desk in front of mine. 

    "What?" she says laughing realizing how much energy I have, which is weird cause I am usually dead.

    "I am pretty sure you were right about that one teacher looking like Patrick Stump," I whisper to her as the other students file in. 

    "Seriously?" she whispers as her eyes grow slightly wider.

    "Yeah, he introduced himself as Mr. Stump and holy shit is he attractive. I mean I know he's a teacher but still! He had on a flipping fedora and glasses and oh wow. I am gonna enjoy 0 hour. He had on burnt orange skinny jeans and a v-neck. He smirked at me and I think I might not need tea in the morning to wake up anymore. He is that flipping amazing!" I ramble on right as the bell rings. 

     Amelia's eyes look like she wants to laugh and it makes me want to laugh to. 

    So in here syllabuses are handed out and we have the name introduction thing again. This happens in every fucking class I swear to god at some point  this is going to get really old, oh wait it already has. 

    I roll my eyes as the idiots in the class ask stupid question and then the saving grace of a bell rings. Off to AP French.

    "I gotta tell you about Theater, in English ok?" Amelia says to me as we go our separate ways. Oh theater, why I didn't do that class was  mystery to me. Oh well, off to the class where I have to both speak and write in a language I barely know. Fuck my life. 

Amelia's POV  

    I cannot believe Patrick Stump is the new Choir teacher, NO. That is crazy. It just has to be a coincident! June is just going crazy! I make my way to government. AP creative writing was fun, photo was... well boring. 

    Government was slow: The teacher talked to us and we said our names. She seemed really nice though. I think I'll like her. 

    Next English! I totally could have done AP English no problem but I decided to go with the easy A. I walked in and June was already there, she always seemed to power walk to her classes while I take my sweet ass time. I walked over to her and grinned, "SO! My Theatre teacher is this cutie named Thomas Hiddleston and he was dressed so classy and he had this smile," I stop and shake my head, "His smile..." I sit down as the final bell rings.

    "He was that wonderful?" June question.

    "You have no idea, And after we said names he asked for questions and guess what Clare and Audrey asked him," I look at June.

    "Oh god, what?" 

    "They asked him if he was single!" I say, Audrey looks at me and humps. Whoops.

    "What? Do they even have a clue?" June asks annoyed.

   The class passes with Audrey asking if we have to read a book a quarter, what? YES, we do. It's ENGLISH. We will be READING. 

    Personal finance passes and they day if over. Sweet Jesus. 

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