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June's POV 

    I couldn't focus the rest of the of the day. I just remember him placing his hands on mine and showing the appropriate chords. I learned a song in an hour! The fuck?! I have never learned anything but song lyrics that fast. Patrick is an amazing teacher. 

    I honestly couldn't look at him during class today. I just remembered his touch and how good it felt. I mean damn they incased mine. I was called on though in that class, and the sound of his voice saying my name made my heart race a million times a minute.

    School is over and I am heading to go to theater. I rush over there but as I get to the door I remember Eden. I have to go back to the music room. FML! I could slip in and out with out being noticed, surely I could. I have been known to be able to do that. So I drop my bag in theater where I get a weird look from Amelia and I just say that I'll be right back. 

    I open the door slowly and see a good amount of people in here, a great distraction. I quickly walk over to my case and grab it. I bite my lip as I quickly speed walk towards my escape route when I hear my name being called by that angelic voice. 

    "Hi Mr. Stump," I say turning around slowly as I bite my lip. 

    "So where you off to trying to be all sneaky like?" He laughs and pats my shoulder.

    Touch me again, please touch me again. I plead in my head. God am I insane?! HE'S MY TEACHER! This is wrong on so many levels but I can'y help myself. I mean look at him?! He's fucking GORGEOUS! What am I saying?! What is going on?!

    "June?" he asks obviously I was noticeably zoned out and did not respond to him. 

    "Yeah, sorry zoned out... um I am heading to theater. First official day of work on the fall play. Amelia wants me to help her rehearse," I say as I lean on my case.

    "I thought the cast hadn't been selected yet?" he asks looking at me weird.

    "Rehearse for her audition. I would've but then I wouldn't be able to be crew chief of Props and all that," I say smiling.

    "That's a pretty good reason," he smirks, oh god kill me now

    "So I better get going," I smile back trying not to look as if that had affected me the way that it did. 

    "Ok, see you in class tomorrow," he says patting my shoulder. And the chorus in my head was yet again chanting, Touch me again! God I got to sort that shit out. Cause shit is never going to happen. Again, he's my fucking teacher. 

    I walk back over to see Amelia waiting for me with an extra script. 

    "You ready to be a man?" she asks sexy like. But my head was still in the daze that Patrick put me under. "June Bug you ok? JUNE!" She shook my shoulders but all I see in my head is Patrick's lips colliding with mine and me running my hands through his blond soft hair. His hands on my waist pulling me towards him so there is nothing separating him and I.......I snap out of it when she calls my name for a second time. 

    "Sorry, got lost in my head." I say apologizing and taking the script. 

    "Why were you lost?" 

    "Daydream now let's drop it," I say in a warning voice but she never listens to me. 

    "Who was it?" she asks coming closer to me. 

    "Not telling, now Amelia drop it... please," I beg before she complies and she starts the work on the lines of her monologue she has to memorize.  All I think while she is going over it line by line is how I have to get my hormones under control cause this could ruin me from the inside out. 

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