Love is hard (lover boy 2)

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Chresantos pov

I moved to Nyc. I'm a vet I have my own building and everything Chris is now 12 its been 5 years since me and Jacob been a part I think about him all the time I walk around the mall and I thought I saw him once in a dance studio but I then I thought it couldn't be possible he moved to Atlanta anyway I have to get to work

Jacobs POV

I moved to Atlanta to go live close to my cousin Stephanie but then I found out she moved to NYC so I moved there instead we share a house together she has a beautiful daughter and son she's not married tho I have a little dog his names beans he's awesome I love him to death I really miss Chresanto I miss his touch I miss being able to lay my head on his chest and listen to his heart beat. I own a dance studio its in a mall it takes up the area of 5 stores combined

I get a lot of business sometimes just need routines for a weeding or just classes for fun I have 2 good friends that help out to I got Jackie and Andrew

I had to take beans to the vet to get shots but everywhere is closed there's one place open its the best place in the city but its so expensive but I have no choice Stephanie said that he needs to get shots ill have to find another way to pay for it

Chresanto pov

as I was going on break one of my workers came up to me "Mr.August we have another dog he just needs the basic shots will you be able to do them real quick" I smiled more money then "sure why not" "ok they'll be right in" I went in one of the rooms and got the needles out and everything and I heard little dog feet and a person walk in "just set your dog on the table as I get everything ready" I said nicely getting everything out

" much will this cost" it was a man I replied back "about 250 each shot your dog will need 7 shots so 1,750" he sighed "im gonna have to make payments" "alright that's fine" when I turned around Jacob was standing right there "oh my god Jacob" I set the tray down and hugged him "chresanto oh my god I've missed you" he said hugging me back I pulled back "you don't have to pay for this if you don't have the money" I said and started giving his dog shots "really chres" he asked

"yeah but you have to come and have coffee with me" his dog whimpered in pain as I put the other shots in "its ok little guy all most done" I said petting him "ok thanks Chres" Jacob said smiling "no problem" after I finished the shots I gave his dog a treat and we walked out "im goin on break" "wait sir you have to pay" my worker told Jacob "its ok I got it" and we got in my car since he came in a taxi and we drove to Starbucks

@ Starbucks

me and Jacob got our coffee then sat and talked "man Jacob I've missed you so much Chris cried for 2 weeks and didn't talk to me when you left we really miss you" he smiled and I smiled back damn I sure do miss his perfect smile "i miss you guys to I miss everything about you especially in bed" he smiled I smiled and bit my lip mmm damn I miss that a lot the perfect sex "well Chris would love to see you again maybe tomorrow you can come over I'm off work and Chris doesn't have school"

"that would be nice" when we finished we got back in the car and I drove him home when we got there I walked him to the door "thanks chres don't forget to text me" "i wont" "ok bye" I leaned forward and smashed my lips against his there was an instant spark when Jacob kissed back when I pulled away he ran in the house

man love is so hard

Jacobs POV

I closed the door and leaned against it and put my fingers on my lips wow that was amazing






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