The douche with the Ruby Glasses

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The four of us made our way to a small area of grassland where a a group of people were already seated on a red and white, cliche picnic blanket, under a giant tree that had a gorging split down the middle.

"Hey guys!" Jubilee ran up to the group. They all had huge grins on their faces as they saw her.

"These are our new friends that will be joining us for lunch" She gestured toward me and my brother.

"This is Scarlett" I gave an awkward smile and small wave toward the staring group of teens. "Hi"

"And this is Dylan" Peter said, as Dylan gave them an award winning smile, with his perfect teeth. "Hey"

"Hi, I'm jean" A girl with pastel orange hair said with a knowing smile.

"I am Kurt" A boy with blue skin containing various patterns and a strong German accent smiled.

"Ororo, but you can call me storm, everyone else does" Said a girl with platinum white hair and beautiful brown eyes.

I smiled at everyone before i noticed a boy in the corner of the group with those ruby red glasses. I saw jean nudge him in the rib a bit before he said anything.

"Scott" That's it? Wow, i feel so welcomed- note the sarcasm.

I caught eyes with him (i think) and we had a tension filled staring contest. He looked like an asshole, not literally, but you know I mean. He had that douche bag , egotistical presence about him. One thing I know for sure. I don't like him.

"Can we eat now or they gonna stare at each other for ever, cuz i am starving, dudes." Peter broke the battle of intense death glares, ran to the side of Kurt and storm and started picking bits off of their food, scavenging for leftovers.

"So, what are your guys' mutations?" Jean directed towards Dylan and I.

"I have telepathy" Dylan replied staring at her. I can already tell that she likes her.

"Seriously, me too!"Jean exclaimed, breaking out in a huge, heart warming smile. Yup, they're getting together.

"What about you scar?" Storm asked me, with a curious tone, much like jubilee when we first met each other.

"I have pyrokinesis, the manipulation of fire" I said, shying away, not liking the attention.

"Cool" Kurt mused. "Can I see it. If its not too much to ask."

At first i was hesitant, I can't fully controlled my powers, but i guess a small show isn't to much for me.

"O-okay" I said, nervously.

I sat upright and closed my eyes as I tried to possess the energy used for this. I slowly started combing my hand through the air as small flame ignited onto my fingers. The flame possessed the same shape as a human as it danced around my fingertips and weaved through the gaps between my fingers.

Scotts POV

I wasn't expecting that. I was so used to younger mutants trying to show off the power that they harnessed by blowing up a tree or setting something on fire. But this, this was truly enchanting. I watched as the figure moved so elegantly around the palm of Scarletts smooth hands.

"That is a beautiful mutation Scarlett" Kurt complimented. she blushed as if she was embarrassed by such a wonderful ability.

"Thanks" She said with a small smile playing on her memorizing feat-Okay WOAH! Where is this all coming from. Now I'm suddenly Shakespeare, no thanks. I'm Scott Summers, I took down Apocalypse, I don't recite personal poetry to some girl.

"Hey Scott, you alright there buddy" Peter brought me out of my dazed state as he sat, picking at my food.

"DUDE, don't touch my food!" I warned him.

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