Chapter 36: What Makes Us Who We Are

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When my alarm woke me up, I jumped out of bed, from pure excitement. Today was the day.

"Ahhhh!" I screamed.

I couldn't help myself, I was finally going to be able to walk the halls of my school without having to think about every little thing that I did.

I had woken up a little extra early this morning. I had a relaxing shower and changed into a pair shorts, my sneakers and a singlet. Seeing as the weather had cleared up, I didn't bother taking a jacket.

I packed my bag with Kayla clothes in it and before I left, I put the wig on for the final time.

Last night, I had agreed with Shay and Sami that I would pick them up for breakfast before we went to school. And discuss what was going to happen today.

I had told my parents that I was leaving early in the morning, so I just quickly popped my head into Josh's room before leaving. He was looking out of his window.

"Hey." I said from the door.

He turned to face me. "Hey."

"You ready?"

"Oh I'm fine, the question is are you ready?" I made my way into his room, standing beside him.

"I guess, I mean I'm nervous."

"Are you excited?"

I shrugged. "I'll just be happy when this all over with."

"Truer words were never spoken."

"Ha ha ha." I laughed, sarcastically. "Well, I've got to get going, I'm meeting Sami and Shay for breakfast."

"Okay, I guess I'll see you at school then....Kayla."

"I guess you will."

I shut his door behind me, before walking into Lily's room. I felt like I hadn't talked to her in ages. My life being on such a rampage and all. "Lily?" I knocked.


I walked into her room and saw that she was in front of her mirror. I approached her from behind. "What are you doing?"

She looked up at me. "Nothing." I scowled at her. "Fine." Ha, she was so easy to break. Lily lifted up her shirt to reveal her stomach. "Look."

I looked at her abdomen curiously. "What?" I gave up.

"I'm fat."

This time I really did scowl at her. "Are you kidding Lil? You are not fat!"

"Compared to you."

This caught me off guard. Did she really look at me that way? "That's because you haven't fully developed yet."

She scoffed. "No, I'm fat Alice. You know it, I know it. I am fat."

"You are not!" Where was all this coming from? "Lilly? Why are you thinking like this?"

Her shoulders dropped. "These mean girls in my class kept yelling at me. At call me fat and ugly. I ignored them at first, but I looked at myself today, and I am! Everything they said was true!" She was on the verge of tears.

"Do you know what an obese person looks like Lily? Someone who is 300kg? Would you consider them healthy?" She nodded. "Compare yourself to them! You are not overweight are you?" She nodded again. "You are healthy and are able to run and play with no problem! So stop complaining!"

She let out a little whimper.

"Lily." I knelt down, so I was now at her eye level. "Listen to me! You are not fat or ugly! You are one of the sweetest, most playful and beautiful people I have ever met. And as you know I have met a lot of pretty people." She smiled. "And none of them even come close to you."

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