Chapter 15.x

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Hey guys sorry for the wait: D my life’s busy at the moment but never mind that…enjoy!

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Chapter 15.x


Things were getting back to normal and the tension had all but disappeared and now we were having a party!!

I couldn’t wait! I hadn’t been to one since I came home.

My brothers were on errands rushing around town to get the party food and drink.

Malik was wandering round the garden setting up the decorations and placing chairs around the place whilst sneaking peaks at me where I sat inside in the lounge by the backdoors. His eyes drifted often and glowed with the sadness every time I looked away from him.

I’m still confused about what happened in the woods but nobody will even talk to me about it. I haven’t seen dad in a while and my new brother and my step-mum and I’m panicking but nobody seems to want to tell me.

Its obvious Malik knows where they are. I mean they are in his pack so he should know but he avoids the question and directs the conversation away from the topic every time. I’ve just about had enough of it.

I’m just fed up of the secrets and I feel hurt that they are excluding me. I get that I am not a wolf but I’m sure I can handle it. Believe me I have been through some tough times when I was away and I am not some pathetic girl who can’t defend herself.

The sooner they realise that the better.

Malik’s POV

I set up the chairs around the tables on the outskirts of the garden whilst keeping an eye on my mate. She looked deep in conversation and was frowning. When she notices I’m looking at her she tries to smile but it looks fake.

I know one thing she wants to know but I can’t tell her. Even though she’s worried her father doesn’t want me to tell her but her brother is ill very ill and they took him to the werewolf hospital a few towns over.

I know she’ll worry if I told her and I think it’s best if her dad tells her.

I looked up as her brothers came barrelling into the garden laughing and messing around.

“You suck” one of them teased, “How can you call yourself a man!”

The other one looked offended, “It’s not my fault! She must have been gay!”

The others roared into laughter shaking their heads and dashing into the kitchen.

I shook my head at their stupidity before looking around back at my mate. But she wasn’t there.


My brothers were so childish I thought as I got up off of the chair and headed towards the kitchen.

I leant against the doorframe whilst I watched my brothers mess around in the kitchen whilst they put the shopping away and the alcohol in the fridge.

They turned to me as my phone went off. I dug into my pocket and looked at the caller ID. It flashed May. I squealed as I hadn’t talked to her in ages.

“Hey May!” I chirped as I tried to contain my excitement at speaking to her.

She laughed, “Hey Lei! What are you up to?”

“Well I’m having a party!” I laughed as I imagined her shocked and scowling face.

“Lei” she whined “Why didn’t you invite me?”

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