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**Eva's POV**

After I leave Gary's house I pick up some food for myself. As I drive home my notifications go off. Once, twice, and then three times. When I reach a stoplight I reach for my phone to see texts messages from Eric.
I sigh before tossing my phone on the passenger seat.

When I arrive home I rush up the stairs to my room before calling Mariana.

"Eric won't leave me alone Mariana. It's driving me crazy." I tell her.

"What'd he do now?" She asks.

"He texted me earlier," I start. "He told me that he's sorry for what he did, saying stuff like I mean the world to him, and that he loves me."

"Do you believe him?"

I sigh, "I don't know Mariana. I can't believe we are doing this again.. He told me he was done, that he'd quit the girls. He told me that I was the one. He told me all those things and I was dumb enough to actually believe him." I say on the verge of tears. "How could I be so stupid Mariana! After all our off-and-ons, now I finally see that he is a dirty little cheater and all he thinks about is his next heart break victim."

"Girl I hope you know that I'm here for you, I hope your not letting his words get to you." Mariana says.

"I'm not. I won't take him back. I refuse to be with someone who cheats. To me that means that he has no respect for me, and he doesn't care about me or my feelings. I guess I couldn't satisfy him. I wasn't enough for him, and he does not really love me." I say, finally taking a breath.

"That's not something you do to someone you love." Mariana adds and I nod before realizing that she can't see me.

"I don't know what to do though." I finally say. "He's insane. It amazes me how he doesn't see how angry I am with him and that I want him to leave me alone."

"Geez.." Is all she says.

"Yeah and now he's also threatening Gary." I add.

"What? He is?" She asks.

"Yeah remember how I ran to help Gary the other day? Well right before that Eric was threatening Gary, telling him to leave me alone and whatnot." I sigh.

"Oh shit, that's pretty intense." Mariana says.

"Yeah, I guess it's one of those "if I can't have you, no one can" things." I tell her.

"Gary is helping you with science though," she starts. "But Eric doesn't know that."

"I feel bad for bringing Gary into this, he's such a sweet guy." I say

"He's sweet??" Mariana says, confusion laced in her voice. "Girl what is really going on between you two?"

"Umm nothing! I've only hung out with him two times!"

"Mhmm sure.." she laughs.

"Whatever!" I join her in small laughter. "Hanging out with him isn't so bad."

I start to think of when I came over the other day. I didn't mean to tease him when I asked if he's ever kissed anyone. I was just curious.

"Well maybe Gary helping you out is a good thing. You can focus on school and not on Eric."

"You're right. I definitely need to be doing that anyways." I honestly tell her.

I glance at the clock on my dresser and it reads 1:37. Damn time flies, I have to be up in about four hours for school.

"Hey I'm going to sleep now, it's kinda late." I tell my best friend.

"Yeah yeah but remember what I said, focus on your studies." Mariana says laughing, I know she really means Gary.

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