Not without a price

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Have fun!~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~||~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|

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Have fun!

Betrayal, pain the world has to pay
People try and solace me
But I no longer care what they say

Reverence is overrated
Terror is what I seek
Shrieks from the cowardly, the guilty, and the meek

Allah, Satan - don't ogle at such myths
When I come by
No debt goes amiss

Your atrocity is living
Your retribution will be death
Murder, mayhem, the tools if my wrath

"Please," "I'm sorry," the cursed cry out
You revolt me you disgusting animals
I don't care what you scream and shout

I'm am the hater of mankind
The bringer of death
Even hell trembles in itself - as I pass by

All this because -
You broke my heart one too many times
And I won't let it go this time
Not without a price


Hey guys, this poem is dedicated to 'My Wattpad Love,' I just finished the whole story and I thought it was amazing. I was just wondering how Julie would have reacted if Evan hadn't been able to open up at all to her. Anyway I hope she wouldn't have taken such drastic measures, but you never know, right? Hope you enjoyed!:-)



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