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I look in the mirror and I hope to see a reflection

Instead, I see ghosts.

Demons pointing, criticizing my every scar, every out-of-place bump and blemish.

Annoying little pests whispering in my ear 

"That's not right," 

"You're ugly"

or on some of my worst days:

"Die, no one deserves to have to look at you."

These feeling of inferiority are what drives the superiority complex.

The dark cloud erasing every silver lining.

"What I can't do beauty, I will make up in book smarts," I think.


Hey guys, take a deep breath, it's ok to have these feeling sometimes. But I am in a better place now, I've grown a lot since having these feeling like a hormonal teenager lol. I've understood that there is always (and always will be) someone bigger, better and prettier than I am. There will also be people who are envious of me too. This is a feeling just to accept and be grateful for what you have...because some people barly have water to drink and you're worried about how your clothes don't fit right. 



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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2019 ⏰

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