Chapter 4

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The Date 💙

Zoey 😋
So when I woke up in the morning and brushed my teeth and went down stairs to eat some cereal, nobody was up so I had to check the time and it was 12:40. Wow thats a record.. I usually sleep later then that.... I looked on the fridge and there was a note

Honey I'm on a business trip for 9 months but I won't be back until 9 1\2 because of an emergency.. But no parties and u guys can have company.. But I will see u guys in a few months
             Love always Mommy!?💙

Oh Well. 👎 I put the paper on the couch and went to go sit down on the couch and I turned to Spongebob (Lmaoo don't judge I'm watching this rn and I'm a big ass kid)

_________Ayo & Teo house_________

Leloo 😩
So I just woke up I didn't have nothing to do today so just laid in bed .. Something came to me to text Zoe on instagram. Tbh she kinda cute but don't tell nobody ✋..
Phone Convo:
Ogleloo: Wassup 😩
BaddieZ: Heyyy
Ogleloo: what u up to today
BaddieZ: nothing much
Ogleloo: Wanna come over
BaddieZ: Yea sure since Mateo and Zoey are going out why not
Ogleloo: oh thats better say 4?
BaddieZ:  yeah see u later
After that I closed my phone and laid back down
Teo 😭
I just woke up and it's 2:30 I jumped up and got dressed in this:

 Teo 😭 I just woke up and it's 2:30 I jumped up and got dressed in this:

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And I walked out the house..

__________Zoe & Zoeys house______
Zoey 😥
So I got back up at 2:40 and took a shower and then I got dressed in this:

__________Zoe & Zoeys house______Zoey 😥So I got back up at 2:40 and took a shower and then I got dressed in this:

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And I texted Mateo and told him to come over.. Then the doorbell rang and it was this nigga standing there cheesing mad hard.. It was kinda cute but yeah I walked out the door and we walked to his car ❤

Teo~ so we twining with the red he asked laughing
Zoey~ maybe idk I was dressed before u
Teo~ The lies child.. I was up before u
Zoey~ no I was up before u and u were dressed before me that's it
Teo~ Yea ok but were here kid
Zoey~ OK good

It was a restaurant it was nice they ordered there food and walked on the beach.. Got to know each other more. U can say they had a good time then teo dropped her off at home but he fell asleep on the couch.. 😏😏😉

A\N: I'm sorry this is is short but I'm tired asf so later my lovelies.. Expect another chapter tomorrow well let's just say layer on today but yeah


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