Chapter 6.

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Zoey 😍
So Im just laying down watching Toddlers and Tiaras. Then my sister busts into my room talking bout some dancing.. I looked at her like bish what.. I just laid back in my bed and continued watching TV

Zoe~ Zoey look somebody has auditions for dancing we gotta try this
Zoey~ (not paying attention) yeah sure we can go
Zoe~ great thanks be ready by 6:40 auditions are at 8:50 with a fifty min drive and 2min delay with 2 mins of looking for parking 😏😉
Zoey~ yeah w.e get out so I can get in the shower since its 5:50
Zoe~ okay I'm gonna get ready remember 6:50!!!✌

After she left I laid down for like 4 more mins then I got up to go take a shower and when I got out I put this on 👇:

After she left I laid down for like 4 more mins then I got up to go take a shower and when I got out I put this on 👇:

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And laid back down in my bed since it was only 6:24.. And now I gotta wait for Zoe to finish get dressed.. She was always the slow one.. She always moving slow. Tf

___________In Zoe's Room_________

So I just hopped out the shower and now I'm getting dressed so we can leave.. I got dressed in this 👇:

 I got dressed in this 👇:

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The shirt is true.. I do have trust issues something so hard to explain.. Well that's another story for another time.. But yeah in went in Zoeys room to see her dressed Yess now we can leave

This time Zoe is driving cause I'm always driving and she was right there was a 50 min drive with a 2 mins delay and when we got here we had to look for parking for what felt like hours 😭
Zoe: were here
Zoey: thank God now let's go Lil lady
Zoe: (whines) Stop calling me that
Zoey: (laughing) okay I'll stop (turns the corner).
Zoey 😍
When I turned the corner I couldn't  believe it.. My heart dropped but I got hype cause I know Imma kill it now.. I can't believe that we gotta audition for.....

A\N: Cliff hanger Lols..  But who do u think there auditioning for.. But yeah Vote, Comment, Share.. Tell a friend.. Later my lovelies 😍😉

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