Chapter 9.

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Jose: thats teo him and ayo are going on tour with us
Zoey: (jumps on him) Wake up Wake up Wake u--
Teo: I'm up!!!! Why tf u yelling 😐
Zoey: cause I can now wheres ayo
Teo: well hi to u to but he's in the other room with the girls
Zoey: okay bye (smiles and walks out)

............. The Girls Room...................
Zoe 😍
So ayo and teo are going on tour with us... Yesss u know im hype cause I get to spend more time with ayo 😍😍😳...... Well bye

Zoe: (runs to ayo and hugs him) I missed u my friend
Ayo: I know u miss me.. I miss to
Zoe: (laughs) cocky much but what cha doing today
Ayo: nothing much wanna hang out today
Zoe: yeah what time
Ayo: Say around 4 I'll pick u up from ur room and we'll go to the park
Zoe: okay now get out we gotta have girl time
Ayo: (smiles and leaves)

Ayo 😳
Mann I love hanging with Zoe she's so cute and perfect I really wanna make her mine but I gotta get to know her more and then she will finally be my girl 😍😳

Teo 😉
Guess what?? I like Zoey and Zoe 😲 IDK how but the thought just got into my head but I like them both but I like Zoey much more then Zoe. And when she was jumping on me when I was sleep it had a nigga turned on so I had to wake up before it went to far.. Imma make her my girl I just don't want another mishap in my relationship (cough cough that bitch)  but any ways Imma make her mine.. ✌✌ catch u on the flip side..

A/N- tell me what u think.. Teo's slip up?? 😐 Vote,  Comment, & Share.. Ik I didn't update Inna ling time but I have school so sorry.. Anyways Plz listen to the song link at the bottom, Polo Forst best ever ft ayo and teo 😉but yeah later my lovelies

Hello! ❤

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