Larry Stylinson Spanking

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Louis smiled softly as he got up and stretched, looking over at his curly haired boyfriend sound asleep drawling on his pillow. The blue eyed boy chuckled and got up from the bed, making a straight line to the bathroom. The boy brushed his teeth and scrubbed the sleep from his face, turning around when he heard a small


“Yeah baby?” Louis asked his hoarse morning voice showing fully.

“Come back to bed” Harry whined and rolled over since there was a puddle of drool his head was laying in.

“No Hazza, we have an interview today” Louis sighed and went over to drag Harry out of bed

Harry groaned and kicked his legs, Louis rolled his eyes like the sassy boy he was and finally got a hold of Harrys arms and pulled him out of bed and onto the floor.

“No!” Harry protested and scrambled back in bed before the sheets got cold.

“Harry that’s one, two more strikes and you get a spanking” Louis said sternly witch made Harry pout.

“Fine” He whined once again and went into the bathroom and slamming the door.

“Harold!” Louis yelled

“Sorry Boobear” The curly haired boy whimpered softly and opened the door, sticking his head out.

“Its fine baby” Louis sighed and gave him a small smile before watching him disappearing into the bathroom again.

A few minutes later Harry came back out and started getting ready extremely slowly.

“I don’t wanna go” Harry whined like a five year old once again.

“Harry you need to stop whining, I know its Saturday and I know you’re tired but that’s your second warning.” Louis said once again sternly “And I’m not afraid to spank you in front of the other boys”

Harry felt his heart sink a bit and he nodded, the only thing he wanted more was to just stay in bed and cuddle. He wanted it so much that he was on the verge of tears.

Louis noticed and walked over, giving him a hug “I know sweetheart” Louis tried to reassure him as he rubbed his back.

Harry blinked away the tears and pulled away. He sighed and finished getting ready, he stayed glued to Louis as the feathery hair boy got a backpack full of things that they would need for the day.

After a cartoon and some snuggles with tea the two lovers heard a honk of a horn and they headed to the door, slipping on their shoes and going out to the van where they were greeted by the other boys.

Later that day after the interview Harry was edgy and grumpy, he was having a bad hair day, the interviewer was being an ass, and finally he was tired.

Liam went up to offer Harry a water bottle and something in Harry snapped in his mind and he couldn’t contain it.

”No! No I don’t want a fucking bottle of water! If I did I would have got up and got the damn thing myself!” Harry basically screamed at Liam.

Liam jumped a bit and ran over to Zayn, hiding his face in the black haired boy’s neck.

Louis shot up and grabbed Harrys arm roughly and pulled him into the changing room.

Louis shoved Harry to the corner and pulled his pants and underwear down.

“You move and I will beat your bum with my belt” Louis snapped and walked back out, looking for a hairbrush. He made sure Liam was ok before going back in to find a whimpering Harry.

Louis sighed and walked over to him slowly, rubbing his back “I’m sorry I snapped at you baby boy but you can’t do that to people who are being nice”

Harry nodded and hugged Louis tightly. Louis smiled softly and hugged him back.

“Let’s get this over with” Louis sighed and brought Harry over to the couch that was in the medium size room. He sat down and pulled the scared looking boy over his legs, he rubbed Harrys bum for a minute before patting it, telling the tense boy he was about to start.

He brought the brush up in the air and swung it down on his left cheek, hearing a small yelp from Harry.




“Ow L-Louis please stop!” Harry studderd and cried softly.

“Only ten more lovey” Louis said calmly and kept going


Harry cried out at the last ten swats since they were on his upper thighs.

Louis through the hairbrush to the side and picked Harry up and sat him on his lap, being careful of his bum, cradling him as he cried.

“I-I’m sorry” he studded again once he calmed down into sniffles and a few hiccups.

“Let’s go say that to Liam” Louis whispered to the teary boy as he pulled up the clothing that was left drooping by his ankles. Louis carried him out on his hip like you would do a baby and walked towards Liam.

“Harry has something to say” Louis said in almost a whisper.

“I’m sorry that I snapped at you Liam, I didn’t mean it” He blushed and looked at his hands.

“It’s ok, we all have bad days” Liam smiled his dimply smile and Harry did the same. The two boys then started playing a game of FIFA, Harry or course on Louis’ lap as he played.

Louis gave Harry tips since he was absolutely shit at the game and smiled once he one, screaming in joy.

“I love you baby boy” Louis smiled like a goof ball and Harry looked at him.

“I love you too”

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2013 ⏰

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