Play with Me Outside! (Peach X Male!Energetic!Inu!Reader)

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Peach: Hooray! It's my turn!
Tsubasa: You were waiting for this, weren't you? (kinda suspicious here?)
Peach: Oh, what's an inu?
Tsubasa: Basically, it means dog. The reader has dog ears, a dog tail, and a few dog traits, such as the ability to turn into a dog.
Peach: Oh, I love dogs, even puppies!
Tsubasa: They're the same. Anyways, you know the drill. No hating comments or flaming.
Both: And now...ONWARD!!

(M/n) = male name
(F/c) = favorite color
(S/f/c) = second favorite color

You began to run around the hallways in your dog form. You were passing a few Smashers along your way, either receiving a confused look or a glare. You also had a (f/c) Frisbee in your mouth for playing. It seems that you were looking for somebody around the Smash Mansion. You see, you had promised someone to play a game of Frisbee and you can't even wait. As soon as you are running, your nose caught a particular scent. This kind of scent had a mix of strawberries and a hint of cherry blossoms. Because of your great sense of smell, you followed the pretty scent and began to feel really happy. Once you came to the source of the smell, you ended up in front of Smasher's bedroom door. You scratched on the door until you heard footsteps from the other side.

"Coming!" a feminine voice can be heard.

Once the Smasher opened the door, you looked to see none other than Princees Peach in her room.

"Oh hi, (m/n)! Come in!"

You obeyed and entered the pink princess' bedroom. Peach sat down on the ground and began to pet your silky and furry head. Your tail began to wag happily as you enjoyed the gentle touch on your (h/c) fur. You put the Frisbee on her lap and barked happily. Peach picked it up and stood up from the ground.

"You can turn back into your human form now, (m/n)," Peach giggled.

Obeying her command, you turned back into your human form. You had dog ears and a tail that matches the color of your hair. You were wearing a (f/c) plain shirt with (s/f/c) shorts and brown sandals. Lastly, you were wearing a (f/c) collar with a glittery bone tag that has your name on it. The collar was actually a gift from the pink princess, whom you developed a crush on.

Once you stood up straight on your two human legs, your (e/c) eyes met Peach's blue ones.

"So do you wanna go play outside?" You asked in an energetic way.
"Of course! We promised, didn't we?" Peach replied.
"Awoo! Alright!"

The both of you left Peach's room and went to the Smash Mansion's garden in the back. Peach was ready to throw the Frisbee and looked at you.

"Alright, (m/n)! Are you ready?"
"I'm ready! I'll catch it!"
"Okay then!"

Peach threw the Frisbee across the garden. You quickly turned into a dog and ran after the Frisbee. The Frisbee was about to hit the ground until you jumped up in the air and successfully caught it. Hooray! With the Frisbee in your mouth, you ran back to Peach. The pink princess clapped with joy and smiled.

"Good boy, (m/n)! Good boy!"

You gave her the Frisbee and continued playing a few times. Once it grew tiring, you turned back into a human and sat down on the grass, thinking of another game. It was really starting to ger boring...until Peach had another idea. She ran back to her room without you noticing and came back with two objects in her hands: a tennis ball and her tennis racket. You turned to see Peach, with a happy look on your face, but you were confused on the inside.

"(M/n), let's play another game!"

Your ears perked up and your tail began to wag.

"Yay! Another game! What is it?"
"Okay then! Basically, I hit the tennis ball with my tennis racket. Once I do, you run and try to catch it! Sounds fun?"
"Alright! I'm ready!"

Peach threw the tennis ball up in the air strucked the ball with her tennis racket. The ball was sent soaring to the sky and you chased after it in your dog form. You caught the ball and walked to Peach. She cheered for you success in catching the ball.

"Good boy!"

Your put the ball on the ground and smiled at her. You continued to play a few games until the both of you were out of ideas of any games. The both of you were exhausted and decide to go back inside. Before you could, Peach stopped your tracks by hugging you. You were starting to feel happy and your tail began to wag.

"I just want to say: thank you so much for playing with me outside, (m/n)."
"You're welcome, Peach! I wish we could have fun all the time! The matches may be boring, but at least some of them are fun!"
"Oh! I wanna tell you something!"
"What's that, (m/n)?"

You pressed your lips against Peach's sweet ones. This caught the pink princess off-guard, but she began to kiss back passionately. Your tail was starting to wag uncontrollably. Once you pulled back for air, your face began to become red as a tomato.

"IreallyreallyloveyousomuchPeachwillyougooutwithme?!" You spoke quickly, but Peach understood what you said.
"Of course I would, (m/n)! I had feelings for you ever since you came here!"
"Awoo! Thank you!"

The both of you held hands and went back inside with the equipment.
Tsubasa: Alllll done!
Peach: That was very cute, Tsubasa! Thank you!
Tsubasa: You're welcome. If you like the one-shot, vote and comment about it. Until then, see you in the next one-shot!

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