Seme!Male!Author x Uke!Male!Reader *Sample One-Shot*

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This is just a small sample of how 'good' my one-shot writing is.
And just for this 'one' time, the reader will be uke, because no way in hell am I being being the uke in a relationship...
well...unless it will make my partner happy......


"Psst.....hey....Tenshi.....psst!" (M/N) whispered to the raven male beside him. Ignoring the (H/C) haired male, Tenshi continued to do his homework. (M/N) pouted before grinning mischievously. "Tenshi~ If you keep ignoring me I'll eat your pocky.~"

Tenshi remained silent before looking at the (E/C) eyed male. "You do know what happens to those who mess with my pocky, (M/N)." Tenshi narrowed his eyes dangerously at the pestering male. (M/N) shrinks away from the megane male, slightly fearing for his life.

" it...I sorta forgot.....forget i said anything...."(M/N) nervously chuckled.

The two males sat in silence as each did their own thing. Tenshi was working on his homework, while (M/N) decided to procrastinate and play on his phone.

"I'm done...."Tenshi announced, placing his homework in his backpack. (M/N) perked up and cheered.

"Finally! You take forever!"

"Atleast I do my work and don't barge in into people's houses unannounced..."

".......shut up......."

Tenshi sighed, walking to his kitchen to retrieve a certain snack. "Here...." Tenshi comes back with four boxes of pocky, handing two of them to (M/N).

Surprised, (M/N) takes the pocky mumbling a small "thanks". (M/N) stares at the boxes, noticing they're his favorite flavor, (F/P/F). The smaller male glances at his raven haired friend, noticing his ears were slightly pink. (Author: It's hard to notice if I'm blushing on my cheeks since I'm slightly tanned, so my ears usually give away if I'm embarrassed.)

"Don't get used to it....."

(M/N) smiled as a warm fuzzy feeling pounded on his chest. "Yeah....." (M/N) opened one of the pocky boxes and began to eat it happily.

Tenshi ate his strawberry pocky, occasionally glancing at the (H/C) haired male. ".....why did you even come over in the first place?....." (M/N) froze.

" know......I a-actually forgot....."

Tenshi stared at his (E/C) eyed friend in disbelief. "Honestly....." Tenshi sighed, closing his eyes in irritation as he ran his fingers through his silky raven hair, unaware that (M/N) was admiring him with a small blush.

'I've never noticed how extremely handsome he is.....his presence is so...... addicting...' (M/N) watched as Tenshi placed another piece of pocky in his mouth. Unconsciously, (M/N) grabbed Tenshi's shirt by the collar and pulled him closer.

"(M/N)?.." Tenshi muttered as their distance shortened. His eyes widen when (M/N) placed his mouth at the other end of his pocky, slowly moving towards him until their lips were centimeters apart. Tenshi felt heat radiating from his ears as he broke the pocky stick, backing away from the dazed male.

"Tenshi....." (M/N) blinked, trying to process what he did. Eyes widening, (M/N) shot away from Tenshi. "O-Oh S-Shit! S-sorry! I-I don't know w-what I-I was doing!" (M/N) rambled on, his face flushed bright red as mentally beat himself up. Tenshi said nothing, looking away from the male, his hand covering his mouth. (M/N) sighed sadly, his expression crestfallen. "I'll l-leave if you want me to...." (M/N) stood up to leave. Taking a few steps, he was suddenly stopped by a firm hand grabbing his wrist. (M/N) turned around, seeing Tenshi's slightly flustered expression.

"'s just caught me off guard...." Tenshi avoided eye contact as he pulled (M/N) back onto the couch, next to him. (M/N) stared at his friend in shock before smiling, and intertwining his hand into Tenshi's slightly larger hand.

'He's really cute when he's embarrassed....' (M/N) leaned against the ravenette's shoulder, enjoying his presence.

The two males held hands, silently eating their pocky as they both enjoyed each other's presence.

"(M/N)....." Tenshi whispered, turning to face the shorter male.

"Hmm?..." (M/N) hummed, looking up to his companion with pocky still in his mouth. Without an answer, Tenshi leaned down and bit onto the pocky, chomping down centimeters away from (M/N)'s lips. Hesitating for a second, Tenshi locked eyes with the shocked male before capturing his lips lovingly.

(M/N) bursted into a shade of scarlet as he felt waves of pleasurable electricity cruising through his spine. "T-Tenshi..." (M/N) moaned into the kiss as he applied about the same roughness as his partner. Tenshi slid his tongue across (M/N)'s bottom lip, asking for entrance. The (E/C) eyed male smirked, denying the male's request.

Irritated, Tenshi slid his hand to the smaller male's bottom, massaging it roughly. The uke gasped, letting out a small moan. Smirking, the seme shot his robust tongue into his lover's warm mouth. "..M-Maah....
....Te-enshi....." (M/N) shamelessly moaned as the taller male explored every inch of his mouth.

"Oi! Idiot, were hom-AAAHHHHHHHH!!!"

Never have the two males heard a guy scream so loud......

Extended Ending:

"My eyes......they've been scarred......." Tenshi's older brother silently sulked as the two adults and teenagers in the room sweat dropped at his behavior. Tenshi's dad looked at his youngest son before glancing at (M/N).

"'re gay?......."

"Technically, I'm pansexual, but with my current relationship I guess I'm homosexual...." Tenshi bluntly stated, his expression not changing as his arm was wrapped protectingly around (M/N)'s waist.

"I see....." Tenshi's mother blinked awkwardly. The two adults looked at each other before smiling happily.

"Well as long as you happy we're fine with your relationship! But...." The male adult walked towards (M/N), staring him down with a dangerous glint. "Hurt my son and you will pay...."

(M/N) flinched, sweating profusely as he moved closer to his new boyfriend. 'I finally see where Tenshi gets his murderous aura from....' Tenshi's mother sighed in irritation, grabbing her husband and pulling him away from the young man. Tenshi comforted (M/N) by placing a kiss on his forehead.

"It's fine, he won't do anything....not while I'm here for you..." The smaller male smiled at his lover's words, wrapping his arms around him.

"But my husband is right. Hurt my baby boy and you will pay!~" Tenshi's mother smiled a little to sweetly.

"As much as I hate the little squirt, I won't hesitate to hurt anyone who hurts him." Tenshi's brother suddenly stood up and glared at the poor boy.

'Nevermind! Tenshi's family is full of yanderes!' (M/N) gulped. 'It must be a genetic thing....'

"Alright, enough you three...." Tenshi narrowed his eyes dangerously at his family, shutting them up immediately.

No one likes an angry Tenshi.

The irritated male grumbled as he picked up his boyfriend bride-style and carried him to his room (Author: *whispers* to continue their fun....*gets hit by a shoe* Ow! Okay! Geez!....).


Author: Well, I hope you enjoyed my little sample and hope you send your requests. I'll probably do the first 5 or 10 people who comment before closing down the request box, so I can work on the one-shots. If none are requested, I'll just do random one-shots. Only if I'm up to it though.
Well, till next time!~ Bye~

Uke!Male!Characters X Seme!Male!Reader[Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now