Uke!Gabriel x Angel!Seme!Male!Reader *Lemon*

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Requested by VanyaErdell

Sorry for the long wait, I had a lot of projects, so I couldn't really focus on this. My apologies.

*BTW Gabriel is technically older than (M/N) since he was one of the first (arch)angels to be created by God, but (M/N) still tops.*

*Gabriel might be ooc*

*Slight warning of swears*


After the battle between their two brothers, Gabriel and (M/N) left Heaven. The two angels refused to choose sides between their beloved brothers, taking refuge on Earth among the humans. There, the two angels obtained vessels, remaining hidden for centuries.

As the years passed by, the pair grew accustomed to the humans' way of living and even managed to develop emotions forbidden to angels.

Being together for all those centuries had taken affect on the two brothers. The feeling of love and strong need for each other flourished between them. Even when they knew their love was forbidden, it never once stopped them from filling out their desires for one another.

Gabriel hummed as he slowly opened his eyes from his deep slumber. Upon fully focusing his vision, the brown haired archangel meet with a bare built chest. "(M/N)..." Gabriel grunted, shaking his partner awake. The said male hummed in acknowledgement, slowly opening his (E/C) eyes to adjust to the light.

Even when angels didn't need sleep or food, the two brothers always enjoyed experiencing human nature/habits.
(Ohhh~ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ))

"Hmm....Gabe...." The (H/C) haired angel groaned, wrapping his arm tightly around the smaller males waist, bringing him closer. Gabriel sighed before wrapping his arms around his lover's neck, looking up to meet his mesmerizing (E/C) eyes.

"Come on you lazy bum, let's get breakfast."

"Nooo...don't feel like it today. " (M/N) buried his face into his boyfriend's neck.

"Aw come on, we have to try out that new menu item at Dair- o-oh..hmm...(M-M/N).." Gabriel was cut off, moaning as the taller angel sucked on his already bruised sweet spot.

"How about I eat you instead?~" (M/N) purred seductively into the archangel's ear.

Gabriel practically bursted into a dark shade of red, before smirking mischievously at his beloved partner. "Come eat me up.~"

With that, (M/N) pinned Gabriel and captured his lips roughly yet lovingly. The brown haired angel kissed back with equal amount of force, as he ran his fingers through the (H/C) locks of his love.

Knowing his partner wouldn't allow him access without teasing him, (M/N) slid his hand to Gabriel's clothed groin and massaged it teasingly. "(M/N)!~" The older angel moaned, moving his hips upwards to create more pleasure. Taking the opportunity, the (S/C) toned male shot his tongue inside Gabriel's wet mouth. He explored every inch, never leaving one space untouched by robust tongue.

(M/N) stopped pleasuring his lover as he looked at his partner's condition. Gabriel's mouth was drooling, as it was slightly bruised from the rough treatment. His gorgeous eyes were half-lided, which held love and lust. Gabriel let out small pants before removing his shirt, exposing his pink nipples. Licking his lips hungrily, the (H/C) haired angel sucked on one of the perked nipples, while twisting the other one. "(M/N)~ So good.~" The archangel groaned in bliss.

Uke!Male!Characters X Seme!Male!Reader[Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now