The Brand New Ship {PewDiePie x Reader}

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     It was a lazy Friday night. You were sitting at home, super bored. Your phone started going crazy. You tried to ignore it, but after five minutes of listening to that stupid ringtone, you finally picked it up. "Hello." you sigh, quite irritated. "OH MY GOSH!!!" You could recognize that voice anywhere. It was your crazy friend, Emma. She was short, green and brown haired, and super energetic. Sound familiar? She is one of JackSepticEye's best friends, and his number one fan. You pull the phone away from your ear. "Ow." You say, loud enough for her to hear. "Oops, sorry. You know I'm loud. But guess what?" She said, sounding slightly suspicious. "What?" You said, still quite irritated. "I just heard, there's a brand new ship! It's so big that a bunch of our friends are throwing a party! You're invited, it's at Felix's house at seven tonight. Don't be late!" "Wait, who's ship is it?!" Too late, she'd already hung up. You sighed. You looked up at the clock. It was four pm. You get up and go get ready. You end up just wearing a light blue shirt, skinny jeans, black high tops, and a blue beanie, the same blue as your shirt. By the time you finish straightening your hair, it was already six thirty. "Wow, time flies." You say, talking to yourself, as usual. You turn off all the lights, lock up the front and back doors, and get in your car. You drive over to Felix's house which is packed with YouTubers. You park your car and walk up to the door.
     When the door opened, you were greeted by that friendly Swedish face of PewDiePie. "How's it goin'?" He says. "Eh. I've been really busy. So many new games coming out, it's hard to keep up." You say. (Being a YouTube gamer is not easy.) "Tell me about it." He says. "(Y/N)! Over here!" You turn around to see SprinkleOfGlitter, danisnotonfire, and AmazingPhil. "Oh, hey guys!" You walk over to them. "You hear about the new ship?" Phil asked. Dan looks over at him. "Phil, do you remember when we talked about thinking before speaking? This is one of those times. This party is for the ship. She wouldn't be here if she wasn't told about it." "Oh, right." You and Louise giggle as Dan facepalms and Phil starts to blush. "Yes, Phil, I heard about the ship. But no one told me who was being shipped. Were you guys told?" They look at each other, then back at you. Dan opens his mouth to say something, but something interrupts him. "(Y/N)!!!" You turn around to see an intoxicated Sean. "Oh, great." He wraps his arm around your shoulders. You look over at Emma. 'Help me!' You mouthed. Emma came over and pulled Sean away. Suddenly, out of the corner of your eye, you see Edgar, Felix's little black pug. He was hanging out in the guest room. You walk into the room to hang out with him. "Hey, boy!" He runs over toward you, trying to climb up your leg. You giggle and sit on the bed as he jumps up to sit next to you. He loved you, and you loved him. After a little while, Felix walks in. "Oh, hey (Y/N), didn't know you were in here. We were wondering where you had disappeared to." "Hey, Felix." There was an awkward silence.
     "Anyway, no one told me, what's the ship exactly? Who is it?" His face turns slightly red. "No one told you?" "No. Everyone was acting really strange about it." He sits on the bed next to you. "It's me and you, (Y/N)." Your face turns bright red. You had liked him for a while now. "Well, uh, I-I would ship it." His face turns as bright red as yours. He slowly leans towards you. "I would too." He whispers. As your lips collide, you hear the door open slightly, but you don't care. You were kissing Felix, the love of your life. Nothing could ruin this moment. "Ahem." You and Felix look over to see Markiplier, looking quite awkward and Emma, holding up her phone, smiling like crazy. She turns back toward the party. "Now to upload it to Instagram." She walks down the hall with Mark and Felix looks back at you. "(Y/N)," he says, "do you wanna spend the night?" "Sure." You both smile.
     After everyone left the party, you and Felix spent all night watching movies and cuddling (with Edgar in the middle.)

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