let in- chapter 1

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 AN-hey this is my first story!! so if you reading this thank you and I hope you like it. (sorry un edited)


the room is dark damp and dank my heart is pounding so hard I'm afraid he'll hear it, my palms are sweaty, he's getting closer I can hear his foot steps bouncing off the grizzled walls. I can feel the cool breeze passing through the rips on my jeans created by the branches that scraped my legs when I ran. my breathing coming more heavy with every slow agonizing second that passes. the foot steps stopped echoing throughout the cave suddenly I feel hot heavy breathing on the back of my neck, "Sam"? my eyes  snapped open from the sound of my name.

 I crane my neck to look from the rainbow of cars in the school parking lot, to Mr. Stanley at the front of the class he adjusts his glasses atop his nose and keeps staring at me. I look around and notice that some other students are also staring. I realize that Mr. Stanley is waiting for an answer, I feel my cheeks warming " ummm"  i sound horse so I clear it "what" the class snicker, my blush deepens Mr. S.  huffs frustrated " please pay attention Ms. Aldaine'' ."uh ya sorry" I replied.

Mr. S turned his attention back to the class, ''okay" he says with an exasperated sigh "who could answer the question". I felt someone kick me from my left I turned. it was Melanie her green eyes full of concern, "are you okay" she mouths I nod. she looks at me a while longer the turns to face the front.

Melanie has been my friend since kinder garden when I dropped my glue stick in her chocolate pudding. we've been inseparable since, Melanie is the only person I can trust. at least I think.

the rest of class goes by in a blur. the bell rings, Melanie walks down the exile towards me her red curls bouncing as she walks. she stops in front of my desk " ready" she asks. NO! "yeah" I reply, I hate lunch every one always stares and whispers, you'd think after a month everyone forgets but noooo.

I gather my things and walk with her to the cafeteria," so I heard there's a new kid coming in tomorrow" she said waggling her eye brows"  last year when every thing was still like normal Mel made me sign up for some school activity, I decided to choose something easy and simple so I went for tooter and tooters, are supposed to show new kids around and I really don't feel like socializing. "noo" I groan I really don't need this not now. " oh come on Sam he could be cute" I rolled my eyes "HE. how do you even know what gender It" I asked she just smiled " oh young Sam I just do I can feel it' I raised an eye brow "oh you feel it now do you" she just nodded.

we were in front of the lunch room doors now  "hey why don't we eat in the library instead" I sujected Melanie turned to me hands on her hips and a frown set apron her face, " Samantha Aldaine you will go in there and stop running away from all this" she said sternly I narrowed my eyes.  "I am not running away" and I'm not I'm just tired of having to face all the wipers and pointing and the pity that is plainly on there faces I got  enough  of that when I had to burry my mother under ground.

Melanie rolls her eyes and yanks me through the doors, surprisingly no one gave me a second glance, I let out  a breath I didn't know I was holding, we went to our usual table at the back corner.we sat down "see they aren't paying attention to your existence"  she said "ya but what happened" I asked " mel raised her eye brows" duh the new kid happened" she said. I never thought I'd be this happy of a new kid coming then I am now.

we rarely get a new kid here in this small town so when we do it's a big deal. " hello girlies" Ron says as he plops down next to me on the bench, Ron is the only person besides Mel who didn't bother me about the incident. "did you hear about the new hotie coming tomorrow" he said with both brows raised, did I mention that ron prefers the other gender.

"you to "! I say he shrugs "and how do you even know it's a guy'' I ask he smirks "well that Sam is something I call scavenging" I roll my eyes " or as I like to call stalking" I say they laugh. "ya that to'' Mel says.

I made the mistake of turning my head and was met with a bunch of staring eyes. I knew it was to good to last the new guy can't distract every one . at the table next to us, is where the blond bimbose sat. they all stared and I stared back, soon one of them turned and the others followed suit. I sighed I really am tired of all this.

"I can't take this any more" I tell them and stand up with my chin held high and walk out of this hell I call school. I walk to my car and will my self not to cry as the memory's resurface, when I get in the car I can't hold the tears a t bay any more they fall freely down my cheek.

  I wipe at them angrily, mad at my self for crying for being week. I'm tired of there pity I'm tired of there gossip I'm tired of everyone thinking they know what it feels like to see you mother shot right in front of you to see as the life leaves her eyes and knowing you'll never see them open again they can't possibly know how it feels like to know that the women that gave birth to you that helped you through the bad times, who took care of you when you were sick was there one second and gone the next they couldn't possibly ever  know.    

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