let in- chapter 3

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AN: thank you for the people who are actually reading it and I hope you like it. I'm not the best writer so please bare with me thanks enjoy!! ( it's unedited so you've been warned ) ;)



I hear a soft knock on my door I sigh softly and go open it, "hey honey are you almost done it's time to go." My mom say while leaning against the door frame.

today is the great day of moving. My mom got a new job as a nurse at a hospital in a small town in California, which means that we have to move all the way there.

"yeah I'm about done" I say my mom looks at me with sad eyes she knows I'm not to fond about moving. It's just to much change to quickly, it wasn't to long ago when two months ago my dad was walking around these halls. Only for him to die a week later. and now we're moving across the country NOW can you see why I'm pissed that about the sudden change, it's just to soon in too little time.


"well you have 5 minutes to get down stairs". my mom says leaning over to give me a kiss on my cheek. I roll my eyes "yes mom I'll be Down soon."  pulling away and gently usher her out the door, "alright alright, I'm going I'm going" she says with a small smile. I couldn't bring myself to return the gesture I hang smiled since my father died of  lung cancer. she sighed heavely and just noded and turned to walk down the stairs.

as I watch her back descend the stairs I can't help but feel guilt, I should've at least attempted to smile back even if I came out as a grimace. My mom doesn't deserve to be treated like that it's not her fault that he's not here anymore, she's still hurting just as bad as me.. no she's in far more pain he was her husband the love of her life the father of her children she's hurting more then me.

I should put more effort into life, start smiling more often and at least put up the act as if I'm fine like my mother but I can't I'm pathetic.


I close my doors and turn to look at my empty room, the white naked walls that once held pictures of my team here, at the vacant floored the had furniture a bed a desk an a night stand. I grab my duffle bag with my essentials, and leave the room I've slept in since I was eight.

I walk down the stairs that hold the memories for and my sister running up and down the of my father walking on these steps I descend the stairs an walk Into the kitchen were there were many family meals with my father Included. I walk into the empty living room were we had family games were my father used to watch the games in, were my mother caved daily were me and cara played when we were younger

where we watched t.v. the memories are to overwhelming I can feel the familiar burning sensation in my eyes I block rapidly to keep the tears away. I quickly walk out the house not wanting  the good memories to resurface

I walked out the house were I grew up in were I felt safe we're all the good memories were where the memories oft father are. I sat goodbye to the only place I used to call home. I car made me jump in fright taking me out of my thoughts.

I turn to see my sister Cara frantically waving out the car window to hurry up. I take one last glance of my old home and hop into the car.

"took you long enough" Cara says I just role my eyes and flick her in the head. "oh come on mate really" she complains the case she makes almost plus a smile out of me I could feel my lips tug at the ends,  Mabry this move won't be so bad after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2014 ⏰

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