let in-chapter 2

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I spend the rest of the day at the café where I work. I got this job a while ago but I changed the hours so that, I came right after school. I'm trying to avoid going home as much as possible. Ever since my mother got killed that day my life at home has never been the same, my father started drinking again.

My father is an alcoholic and he stopped drinking, when I was two, but he started again the day after he got called to the hospital for the news. every time I get home now the house is destroyed more then the day before, there're beer bottles every where, stains on the carpet, holes in the walls and now he's locking himself in his room.

I'm a little ashamed of my self for admitting this but I'm, kind of glad he's locked himself up in thee. Because now  I don't have to look at his far away look, his glazed over eyes that hold no emotion in them but despair. he's no longer the happy go lucky father he once was. he truly loved my mother so I can' really hold anything against him for shutting himself off like that, but I still can't help but feel abandoned.


I still have a couple hours left of my shift, but there aren't a lot of costumer's left so I decide, to take my book out. but as I start to delve into the world of Paris, someone clears their throat. I sigh and mark my page then glance up at the costumer, my breath catches, my jaw drops, and I stare in awe at the person in front of me.

the first thing I notice are his eyes that are a grayish blue but I can see specks of green in his irises. under his beanie his hair is a bit curly and it falls into his eyes a little bit. his slightly full pale pink lips are currently in a smirk.

my eyes snap back to his and they held amusement in them, I could feel my cheeks burning from embarrassment of being caught I look down at the cash register, I clear my throat. ''uh what can I get you" I ask. looking back up to his eyes.

his smirk widened a hinting of a dimple on his left cheek. I could feel my cheeks turning redder by the Minuit. I narrow my eyes getting annoyed. I know his type there the arrogant conceded type, he also knows how gorgeous he is and that just annoys me more.  finely he decides to speak, "ya um can I just have a regular cup of coffee with soy milk please." he says in a deep husky voice.

I nod and type in the order ''that will be 4.00 dollars please" I say looking back up to his eyes this time he held my gaze. his beautiful grey/blue eyes were full of amusement and something more.

interest maybe?  ''what's your name" he asked suddenly. I was taken aback by his question.

I narrowed my eyes in suspicion, "I was told to not give my information to random strangers" I said" you know just in case they decide to stalk me and then attempt to lure me into a car with the promise of sweats."

a breathe taking smile appeared on his face revealing not one but TWO! dimples on both cheeks. and perfectly straight white teeth. it feels like there's a tornado in my tummy at the sight of that smile.

"well'' he said " I can assure you that I will not attempt to kidnap you,'' my heart stutters.... uggg Sam get a hold of your self you know his type they bring nothing nut trouble. " are you trying to say that you'll be stalking me." I say smirking.

his eyes sparkle with mischief, "well I wouldn't be tempted to stalk you if you told me your name I couldn't help it I smiled.

"you see when someone tells me they are tempted to stalk me" I say "I wouldn't usually give them my name" he chuckles this low throaty chuckles that just makes the tornado in my stomach worse. ''fine I promise to not stalk and or trick you into going into a suspicious cars with the promise of candy" he replies" so can I please have your name.

I roll my eyes but still have a stupid smile on my face, "no" I simply answer I could tell he was getting frustrated, why would he want my name anyways? he rakes his hand through his hair and readjusts his beanie. "well why not" he asks. I chuckle " because you haven't paid for your coffee yet" I say flatly.

his eye brows nit together in confusion, then realization crosses his features. he sighs " I forgot" he says taking out his wallet. "how much is it again" I roll my eyes "4.00 dollars" while he gets the money I go and prepare his coffee.

 when I return he's looking at the rack of coffee mugs on the other side of the wall. i could.t help but stare he is lean but muscular you could tell but the fitted whit t- shirt he's wearing. he had on low slung she on his hips that had some rips on them.

my eyes travelled back up to his face which held another smirk my eyes locked with his and i quickly looked away I can't believe I got caught checking him out AGAIN! he walked towards the counter again with a knowing smirk on his which just made my face felt hot which meant I was blushing. and now i was just getting mad because, he knew the effect he's having on me which just makes me mad at my self for letting him have an effect on me. stupid jerk

"so how bout that name" he says i smile "so how bout that money" i say the same way as him. he sighs and takes out the wallet again and smacks a 100 dollar bill on the counter. I raise an eyebrow. "really" say he shrugs i roll my eyes and huff ''i don't even think i have change in here. i was just about to call Mrs. Becky the manager when i feel a tingle coming from my wrist.

i turn to look at what it is and it's a hand i look up to the guys and back down to his hand that's on my wrist which is now on fire from the tingles coming from  it. but he doesn't let go. "keep the change is all he says. our eyes lock again and his are so intense that i want to look away but i can't seem to be able to look away.

"ok" i say my voice coming out high pitched and low and i mentally hit myself in the head for letting him affect me once again. he finally lets go of my had. i move away slightly not liking what his touch  does to me but at the same time loving it.

he smirks and grabs his coffee i narrow my eyes again. i knew it he does know how he affects me. the little basterd. " can you please tell me you're name" he says a little pleadingly now i study him a while then with i sigh i say " Sam my name is Sam, a triumph smile burst on his face with dimples and every thing i almost sighed but restrained my self.

there was a loud honking out side the guy looked toward the door and back at me " well it was nice to meet you Sam i really hope i can see you again. and before i could ask what his name was he was out the door. without me know if I'll ever see that gorgeous cocky jerk again.


AN: hey if you read this thank you so much for reading it i probably made a bunch of mistakes but i tried my best it is my first story so i hoped you liked it. :D

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