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"FUCK BITCHES GET RICH" Ayuni sang "HOOOOLLLLLLLY FUCKKKKKKKKKKK" Sato screamed "SUCK DICKKKK POLICE" Ship called out "MOTHERFUCKING GRANDPA BETTER SHUT THE FUCK UP"  "What the actual fuck is this?" I asked "Karaoke" Sato said "Wtf is this song called" another question came out " I dunno what it IS" Ayuni screamed at me "Thats nice?" I asked I couldn't find Agent or Apple so I decided to hang out with the girls "You wanna sing dipshit?" Sato asked "I don't know how to make the dying sounds you girls are making they sound disturbing" Sato called me a pussy and they started "Singing" again  "FUCK BITCHES GET RICH!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ayuni repeated

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