The second murder!

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"Agent" Apple said as he ran towards me he looked better today "Hey man uh i'm ready to find my fucking way outta this crazy place" I nodded as we walked across the hallway and into the cafeteria "Same dude I hate this fucking place"  the place was dustier than ever... we continued ahead holding hands until we heard Lovely and May's scream then the three of us rushed to the room they were in. Yoshi and Lego caught up to us and both eyed us we explained and they showed no emotion until we got to the room we heard the screams from to see Sin dead his head was bashed in and blood leaking out his body was all scratched up and shit I hated him and all but this....IS TOTALLY FUCKED UP Yoshi was looking around after everyone got in I asked if May or Lovely saw what happened they both said no and cried some more
A plastic stick that's red
a ring
broken glass

Sin was bleeding from a stab wound and had his head bashed in
The wall had blood on it

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