The ultimate talent vs the ultimate Bullshit

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I woke up with a bloody knife and Apple bleeding all over the place. What the fuck was this?! just as I was running away Yoshi showed up "Hi there! You've been busy huh?" I ran towards him about to shove him out of my way but he side stepped me and the door swung open and knocked me out the ultimate bullshit! ( A SWITCH OF POVS IN THE MIDDLE I KNOW CRAZY RIGHT?!) I opened the door to see a bloody Agent fall over Yoshi calmly points to the mangled Apple on the wall "What the fuck..." I said I looked back thankfully Sato,Ship,And Lego aren't here "You know he must have had Apple kill himself..." Yoshi said I nodded "What else could it be?" he added I looked at him and then Agent "well... Apple is dead .." I stated the obvious "Well whatever right?"

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