Chapter 1

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H/C - Hair color
E/C - Eye color
H/N - Horse Name
F/C - Favorite color
___ - Your name

Your POV-
I was in my room when someone knocked on the door, "Come in" I yelled. A guard in silver chain armor came in and says "Your father wishes to speak with you". "Okay" I said, I walked through the door and followed the guard to the main room from where the king sits. I bowed and ask "You wanted to speak with me?" "Yes, I wanted to have a treaty with Okasis but in order to do so, you would have to marry the oldest son of the Ro'maeve family" the King stated. I had a shocked expression on your face, I didn't want to be forced to marry someone I didn't know or love. All the words I could say was "T-That's the only way?" "Yes ___, it is the only way to make peace with Okasis". I was in shock, I don't want to marry someone that I don't know or love. I ran to my room locked the door behind me and looked through a chest. In there was a black cloak and a F/C backpack with clothes for emergencies if the Village was ever attacked. I put on the cloak and put the hood on, took my F/C backpack and put it on, then unlocked the door and peeked my head out. There were two guards down the right hall talking to each other not paying attention to their work and I ran the opposite direction. I ran out of the entrance  of the castle and went to get to my horse "H/N" from the barn. A guard stopped me before I got to the barn and asked "Princess where are you going?" I looked down and lied to him "I'm going to take my horse on a ride and I need some fresh air" The guard didn't look convinced and then when I looked behind me, I saw some guards running toward where I was then you thought "They must of known I was running away when they were checking on me" I looked at the guard and pushed him out of the way, then quickly saddled my horse. The guards were about to catch me but I was on my horse on time to ride "H/N" out of the barn and out of Azmar. I rode on my horse for two hours and the sun was setting, I decided to stop and make camp for the night. I set up a small tent then laid down a sleeping bag and made a fire. I was feeling really tired after all of what happened. I climbed into the sleeping bag and went fell sleep.


I was awoken from a twig snapping about 10 feet away and grew scared, I heard two men whispering  to each other back and forth "Who do you think is in there?" "I don't know, maybe a lost merchant?" I sat up and starred at the front of my tent, one of the men said "Hello?". I  stayed quiet and sat there scared, then a man with light brown hair and baby blue eyes opened the tent door and looked inside and saw that I had a cloak on but he could only see your mouth and nose, he could tell you were scared. he said "Hey, it's okay we're not gonna hurt you". I felt relieved but I still didn't put my hood down because I didn't want him to know who I was. After he said that a man with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes looked inside and showed a friendly smile "Hi I'm Garroth and this is Laurance, are you lost?" I stared at him for awhile then finally said "U-Uh k-kinda, I-I'm just looking for a place to live" Garroth looked at Laurance and Laurance looked at Garroth and they had the same idea. "Come on out we can help you with that" Garroth said, I came out of the tent and stood in front of them with your head down so they couldn't see your face. "Can you tell us your name?" Laurance asked, "I-It's ___" "Its nice to meet you ___" Garroth said and bowed. "We have a village that you can stay at if you want to, it's the village that we live in" Garroth stated. I nodded and said "I would love to stay at your village" Then I packed my stuff and followed Garroth and Laurance.


Authors Note- I had to redo the wording cuz I realized I was saying "You" instead of "I"
Your Author~chances such a dork 😝

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