Squad Disassembled

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'What do you mean?' Yelled Laura at Rick's running body.
'I think that this is the bomb that Waller told me about!' Replied Flagg through the seawater rain that was pouring off the titanic monster behind them.
'F*ck!' Screamed Laura as she stumbled over a pile of debris in the road.

Megaton lumbered after the two glowing heat-signatures in its eyes; trying to pinpoint their exact species and age and names and answers with no avail. Erin's punch seemed to have damaged something in the robot's body.

<Attempting Sync - Atmospheric Pressure - Rebuild>
<Subjects ^ 2:: 1 ~ Human 1 ~ Human|Unidentified>

Pieces of circuitry and tissue realigned inside the colossal beast's head. Lights splayed out from it's headlight-eyes, illuminating the full scene of the destruction that it had inadvertently wrecked on the Surface.
<Operation Identify • Return to Base>
The beast turned its massive, domed head, and cast its cyan light onto the horizon. It clicked and then found the sea.
<Location Identify * ?>
<Systems ~ Compromised>
<Shutting ^ Down>

'What is that thing?' Whispered Laura from the darkness inside a hollowed-out skyscraper that Flagg and her were hiding inside.
'I don't know. I'm calling Waller.' Announced Flagg; clearly as stumped and terrified as Laura. He rolled up his sleeve and a tiny video screen flashed up on his wrist to reveal a keypad. His fingers positively skidded over the numbers. 'Who decided speed dial wasn't worth it?' Groaned Rick, pressing his comms into his ear as the number dialled.

'Hello Preston.'
'Yes Mr. Flagg?'
'We have a situation here.'
'What kind of situation?'
'Oh I don't know... Maybe there's a giant robot monster trying to kill us?'
'Are you panicking? That's out of character; even for you.'
'All members of the Squad are down save for Skinwalker.'
'Sorry Flagg. We will try to send backup, but in the meantime should we detonate Jack and Wade?'
'Wade's unconscious. I have no idea where Jack is.'
'Done. Both of them are up in smoke.'

Two pillars of darkness and general death billowed up from another building on the horizon.

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