Visiting the Mind

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I woke up in my bed, feeling totally drained. I felt my head. No horns. I looked at my hands. Pale skin. Good. I got up and looked in my mirror. Two eyes. Purple iris'. Purple hair. Good. I'm back to normal. I feel totally calm too. I felt my neck and there was a bandage on it.
"Robin shot me with a dart." This made me extremely angry, but I took a ton of deep breaths. "Azarath Metrion Zinthos. Azarath Metrion Zinthos." I repeated my mantra. Now I'm calm. I wearing a loin cloth skirt and a crop top? Ugh. I hate skirts and dresses. I raided my closet for my black leotard. Found one. I took off the clothes, but instead of throwing them out, i decided to stick them in the back of my closet. I put on the leotard and headed toward the door. I tried opening it, but it was locked. Did Robin lock the door? How and why did he do that? You can only lock the door from the inside and what's the point if I can just teleport out?

Who knows, who cares.

I teleported to the hallway and walked to the Ops room. When I got there, Beast Boy, Cyborg , and Robin were playing a fighting game and Starfire was playing with Silky. None of them saw me.

"Hi guys." I said casually. They all instantly snapped their heads to look at me. They all looked surprised. "What?"

"Friend Raven! You are back to the normal!" Star yelled as she hugged me. No, not hugged, crushed me.

"Hey Rave. How ya feelin'?" Cyborg asked.
"I feel calm. And I don't have any pain. Except for this." I pointed to the bandage. "Speaking of which, how exactly did this happen?" I asked. Robin and Beast Boy came over. Beast Boy tried to explain.

"Well, when you went all Trigon-ey, you were flinging stuff around like cars and lamp posts, and you almost crushed Starfire with a truck." Starfire turned away and rubbed her arm. "So Robin had to...uh..." He trailed off.

"I had to tranquilize you." Robin said. He did. I knew it.
"I know." They all looked slightly surprised except for Robin.
"You did?" Beast Boy asked.
"Empath." I reminded them.
"Oh right." Beast boy scratched the back of his neck.
"Do you need help with anything Raven?" Cyborg asked.
"No. Not right now."
"Oh ok. See you later then Raven." Cyborg said and they all walked away and resumed what they were doing. Except for Robin. He looked like he had something on his mind.

"Everything ok Robin?" I asked nicely.
"I need to talk to you in private. On the roof." He said in a strict tone.
I followed him up the stairs to the roof.

"What is it Robin?" I asked.
"Is everything okay in there?" He poked my head. I looked away from him. "Come on Raven. Remember our connection? I know something got through."

"Fine. Something did get through, but I don't know what Robin." I answered reluctantly.
"I know you know Raven. Tell me."
"I..." I looked him in the eyes.
"*sigh* Trigon. But this time it's serious. He isn't free, and he will never be. It's just when I get too angry, rage takes over me. My eyes get red...yada yada yada. You know like I did with Dr Light." I explained.
"Yeah, but what about yesterday?"
"Right. That has never happened before. But, my guardian father on Azarath, Azar, told me it might happen."
"Don't beat around the bush Raven. What is 'it'?"
"It' demon half....taking over completely. If I get angry enough. She'll take over completely. I won't be myself anymore and I'll be at my father's total disposal. I won't care who the heck you guys are. I will just do whatever he asks of me. Yesterday I had very little control, but just enough to still be myself. Next time I don't think we will be as lucky."
"There won't be a next time Raven. We won't let it happen. I won't let it happen. Trust me, I didn't like shooting you with that dart, but if I have to do it again I will."
"If you have to do it again it won't make a difference." I ended the conversation and walked back inside.

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