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Elise POV

Gosh it's 7am and I literally just woke up. Well I wouldn't actually wake up if it wasn't for my noisy brother. I get out of bed and realize that I have school today. It's Friday so TGIF! You don't understand how much I hate school! Those boring teachers, waking up and so much more. I just remembered that Angelina Jolie came to teach my class yesterday!! It feels like a dream to be honest. I don't know how many times I slap myself already. I'm done preparing myself and I walked to school. On the way to school I wonder if I'll meet Angie today or not but when I arrive at school I did not meet Angelina unfortunately. I walked to my class and I see everyone doing something that they all do everyday. I take a sit next to Liza and ask her why aren't there any teacher to teach us, she shrugged and get back to what she's doing which is writing something on her phone I can see that she's not texting and she's writing. Our principle came in and announce that my class won't have any teachers and from now on we will take internet study until the school find new teachers for us. What the hell! Ridiculous!
"What about Mrs Jolie?" Someone asked. That was the question I'm about to ask!
"She will still be your teacher so don't worry." Our principle informed us and I'm glad that Angie will still be our teacher.
"Can all the teachers be celebrity?" Joe shouted.
"And hot one too!" Jenny say afterward. For me I don't care if the teachers are celebrity, all I care is Angelina Jolie.
"Sorry kids your teachers can't all be celebrities, I will bring you each a laptop so you can do your works and if you break them you will pay for me!" Our principle said then she took off. I still think about why the hell are all the teachers gone from our class? Is it too wild for them to handle or what? This is so stupid but yet so suspicious at the same time! But well at least we don't have to see their boring faces everyday. Ms emma walked in and told us to go to the next room because the computers will be there. We follow what she said and when we arrive at the next room, I got surprised! I think everybody did! The computers were all MacBook Air but the old generation one. I can't believe my eyes. The school really have these kind of computers???!
"Hey don't break anything or you'll have to pay twice the price of it, got it? If so ya'll need to do the assignments we create for you guys when u open the computer, you will see it so ENJOY!! And DON'T BREAK ANYTHING!!!" Ms Emma said then left us. Well she said we have the do the things she asked us to but I don't know if we're gonna Actually do it.
"This is so cool!" I exclaim.
"Blehhh!" Liza replies back.
"What do u think about it?!"I asked checking the computer.
"It's nice I guess." She said sarcastically. I playfully hit her arm and give her a are you kidding me look.
"Will you actually do this?" She asked.
"I don't know, maybe I won't." I said while going through what's in the computer. When i opened it, the assignment suddenly pops up and I exit it but I can't so i have to see what's ms Emma sets for us.
"Lexi come here!!!" I shouted to Lexi. Lexi is very good with computers so I want her to exit this page so I could explore.
"What do u need?!" Lexi shouted back.
"Help me exit this page, please?" I said looking innocent.
"Oh Elise!" She shouted then come to me to help me exit the page, after a few minutes she manage to exit the page. I said thanks to her she left. Okay now it's time to  check what's in it. There's nothing good in there except from Google and luckily the computer connects to the wifi so I go on YouTube. I guess that the computer is connected to the wifi is because we have to do exercises online. I go on YouTube search for Angelina Jolie but the same things pops up. Nothing new that need to be heard of.

Angelina POV

I woke up today really late and i remember what a terrible dream I had. The dream wasn't about the kids not Brad but it's about the school that I went to teach. It's about Elise to be exact. She's in danger and I help her and then a lot of unknown kids all laugh at her. That's all I can remember about the dream but it's really scary for some reason. I went downstairs and asked mrs Willow if the kids are at home. Well the kids apparently aren't home, they went to their school(homeschool actually) and about Brad he went to work. Today I have nothing to do and I wanted to go out. I get in the prepare myself for going out then I drove off by myself be chase I don't want any bodyguard to wait for me while I do my shopping. When I arrive at the mall I'm super hungry so I go to Burger King. I woke up late and I'm really craving burgers. I got cheeseburger then after I ate it I go to do my shopping. I go into my favorite store and look for a few things then I go to another store. Well the first one is clothes and now I'm heading for the jewelry. I kinda have goosebumps on my right arm and I don't think that it's good. When I glanced a little I saw a small crowd of people following me. I think that there will be paparazzi so I went into the restroom and change my clothes into a oversize pink t-shirt with a bomber jacket over it so that no one will recognize me. I have to say that I look really girly and I wish that no one will recognize me like this. I get out of mall to the parking lot and drive home. When I got home I quickly change my shirt into something that I would wear. I wear all black, black jeans, black long sleeve shirt and black ballet flats. I'm still bored and there's no one home so I realize that if I go to my school, I won't be as bored. I grab my coat then get in my car and drive off to school that I teach at. I'm sure that they will all be surprise to see me today. I arrived at school and walked to my class that i teach at but there's no one there. I see Ms Emma so I ask her about it and she told me that my students went to the computer lab. I follow her to the computer lab and before I walk in I'm making sure that I already is all set up.

Elise POV

I don't know why but i feel this fire in my body that is wanting to get out. I feel like something is about to happen. I just ignore this feeling and get on what I'm doing which is watching a movie of Angelina Jolie. I'm watching girl interrupted. I don't know how many times I already watched it but i love this movie.
OH MY GOSH!!! Angelina is here!!! I think that's why I have this weird feeling.
"Hey guys!" She said to us, smiling.
"HEYYY ANGIE!" We all shouted.
"Surprise?!" She said chuckling.
"DUHHHH!" We shout back at her.
"Okay do your work and ignore me because I don't want to interrupt you guys."She said.
"Okay I'm definitely doing my work, watching girl interrupted!" I laugh.
"Heyyyy there Elise." She said to me.
"Wanna watch?" I asked her.
"Ohh no thanks, I'm really bad in that movie." She chuckled.
"You're amazing but your character is bad, I LOVE THIS MOVIE!" I exclaimed.
"Okay okay, but aren't you suppose to do your works?" She asked me.
"Yeah but watching your movie is so much better!" I said playfully.
"That's not nice, I mean it's nice to me but you have to do your work."She said back.
"Too boring I hate assignments." I said lazily.
"When I was your age, I hate assignments too but well it'll get better!" She motivated me but I still have no feeling. She walked away and I continue to enjoy my movie. But Angelina Jolie is here and I'm watching Angelina Jolie on the computer! Gosh I'm so dumb. After a while she left the class.

My mom calls me to say that she's not going to be home for a few weeks. She's going to Cambodia with my dad and my brother is in college so I have to be home alone for a few weeks. After I heard the news I'm not surprise at all because the fact that they always left me home alone is nothing new. I always stayed home alone before so this time is not much, well they leave kinda too soon but oh well. I walked home wanted to them about Angelina again but they aren't home. I just get in my room and do the things that need to be done.

Angelina POV

Today is weird but the kids and Brad are finally home so YAY! I won't have to be alone anymore. I greet them by saying hello and kiss each of them except for Maddox, he doesn't want me to kiss him and he just hug me. After that the kids went to their rooms and Brad is still here.
"Evening my dear!" He said wrapping his arm spring my waist.
"Hey sweetie!how was work?"I welcome him back.
"It's okay just like everyday, and how was your day? He asked.
"Well I woke up late then I went shopping then I went to the school that u teach because I'm too bored." I answered him back.
"Sounds like you're having fun!" He said .
"Not exactly, today is kind of weird." I replied back.
"You're weird Angie!" He said sarcastically the kiss my cheek. I playfully hit him.
"What was that for?" He chuckled.
"For kissing me without my permission." I said laughing.

So I know that you guys know about Brangelina news and this chapter is kinda short because I'm busy and I don't have feeling to write it because of Brangelina but I hope people will enjoy this series and chapter! Vote/like/comment and add to your library! 💘💞

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