Chapter 14

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Before my mind can function and return to reality my lips are smashed against his, passionately kissing each other. My heart begins to race a million miles.

I gently pull my lips away, when he slowly re opens his eyes. we both sit there in silence blushing.


"You don't have to tell me but like why did your dad do it?" I bite my lip, praying I didn't trigger anything.

"He did it purely because of guilt."

I nod my head. "Oh"

"We had another brother, Corey who was four years old. My dad was meant to be watching him by the pool one afternoon and he ran inside to answer the phone quickly. When he came back Corey had fallen inside the pool and drowned. My father never forgave him self ever since which lead him to take his own life. It's been especially hard for my Mum providing and raising us kids. They always ask when Dad and Corey will come back but the answer is always the same." One single tear runs down his face and I wipe it away gently.


I tossed and turned all night.

Not because of the strange animal noises in the distance, but the story of Corey,his father and the kiss. My mind was still racing a million miles and couldn't catch up.

I rolled over to switch on my phone starring blankly at the time.

3:26 am

I huffed and exited the tent, cradling myself.

The air was inviting, wrapping it's coolness around my body.

The bright moon shon down on me complementing my clothing suddenly becoming visible. I shakily walked over by the edge of the cliff.

I stay there in silence gazing at the bright light and the sunrise peaking through the darkness.


I heard the zipper of the tent open and there stood Jackson.

"I'm sorry if I woke you. I can't sleep."

"It's okay." He approached by sitting behind me so his legs were dangling from either side of my own.

He held tightly onto my stomach from the back of me, resting his chin onto my head.

"Please tell me what your thinking about." He whispers into my ear.

"It's too long and it makes no sense." I tilt my head looking into his sparkling eyes.

"I have time." He leans in an pecks my lips, sending butterflies like an electric shock all down my body.


We sat there until 6 am when the sun was fully up and all the birds were chirping. I told him everything. Pretty much my whole life story and he told me his.

I really love him and I wish it could be like this forever.


"My arm is so sore!" Jackson whines.

He had been holding the frying pan above the fire for the last fifteen minutes waiting for the bacon to fully cook.

A couple of grunts and moans later the bacon and eggs are finally cooked to perfection.

"Hmmm this is actually amazing." We both synchronised.

The view was beautiful as it always was and I was suddenly snapped out of my train of thought when Jackson spoke.

"So I was thinking, there's a cave in the woods somewhere with a clear waterfall and we can go swimming?"

"Sounds good!" I chirp.

"The bush walk will take a few hours, I'll start packing some water bottles and snacks." In an instant he has zoomed away preparing for today.


Out of my suitcase I reached and pulled out my favourite swim suit.. It was black full piece, that revealed my back and was pulled up to become a Gstring. I giggled to my self with satisfaction.

Seeing as the tent had no mirrors I had to make do with the resources I brought with me.

With my smart thinking I stood both empty vodka bottles next to each other on a table and balanced my eyeshadow kit on top with the mirror built into it.

Okay okay, I realise we are going swimming but I needed to look more alive so I applied my waterproof anti smudge mascara. That always gives me a boost of confidence.

I sat and stared at my reflection for minutes analysing every little flaw that I could possibly point out.

"Your beautiful." I heard a soft voice behind me.

I turned Crimson, realising he had been watching me the whole time.

He bent over and kissed me on the cheek softly.

"Now lets get going."

We carried the backpacks with all of our important equipment and set off on a trail and kept walking deeper and deeper into the forest.

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