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"Hyerin and Taehyung," Mrs Lee said out loud and looked at me, and Taehyung. Taehyung looked up at Mrs Lee, waiting for her to say the grade for our project, that I did all by myself.

"A," She said, before smiling slightly. I smiled, and Taehyung rested his head back on the table.

"Great, you got us an A, good job," Taehyung mumbled.

"You owe me," I replied.

He lifted his head from the table and looked at me.

"What for?"

"Since I did all the work."

"I don't owe you shit," He put his head back on the table.

What part of me thought that he would actually pay back for not doing anything in this project? Geez.

It was lunch and once again, I didn't feel like going to the cafeteria, full of jealous girls, full of hatred to have a meal.

I wanted to go to the room with the piano again, since it was quiet and I could be alone.

I slid open the door, and peeked in.

It wasn't empty. I saw a figure sitting on the floor, beside the table. I gasped as it scared me. I don't think the person saw me yet, I can still leave.

He lifted his head.

Although it was dark, I knew we made eye contact. I felt as if his eyes were staring into my soul.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I whispered.

I hear him sigh, and I slowly left.

That was creepy..

I walked down the corridor, when I felt a hand grip my wrist. I turned around.

"Taehyung..?" I tried to identify the person in front of

"You never saw me here," He mumbled.


"Pretend you didn't just see someone in that room and pretend I never talked to you."


I heard him sniffle as he let go of my wrist and walked pass me, his head down, looking at the floor, with his hands in his pockets.

He smelt like cigarettes. Did he smoke?

I turned around, and went back to that room. I opened the door, and the smell of smoke rushed to me. I spotted the chest at the corner of the room.

Taetae, Taehyung. Of course, how was I so dumb to not notice?

I close the classroom door and left.

"So Taehyung has this side of him, huh?" I mumbled.

Jimin's words came to my head,  "Just like Jungkook, something happened in his life and his whole soul went from a rainbow color, to full-on black. At least Jungkook has a little bit of sparkle in his soul. But Taehyung changed completely," He sighed, "He was the happiest little person in our group. Happier than Hoseok Hyung. But something happened and it all changed. Everyone understood, so we didn't try to change him back. We try our best not to disturb him. He's still emotional about it."

Maybe something regarding his parents...


It was 15 minutes before lessons started, and I was resting my head on my table, staring at Taehyung's empty seat. The class was being noisy, yet I could not hear anything, due to overthinking.

Taehyung sat down on his chair, and rested his head on top of his crossed arms, as I hear him sigh softly.

I sighed.

Well, at least he will be quiet throughout the day.

"Neo.." I hear him mumble.

I spoke too soon.

"When did you discover that room?" He mumbled a little louder, so I could hear him even though his head was covered.

"Are you talking to me?" I asked.

"Of course,  you moron," he lifted his head from his arms and looked at me.

Eish.. "A few days ago."

"How many times have you entered?"

"Today was the second."

"Did you find anything in there?"

The image of the words on the paper flashed in my mind.

"Eomma. Appa. Bogosipeoyo. Do you miss me? I wish you were still here with me for me to talk to you. For me to have dinner with you. For me to say goodbye every time I leave for school. For me to introduce to my girlfriend if I ever had one. What if I had a wife? Who would bring her down the aisle? Who would take care of our children? I miss you. Every day I wished I came home sooner. I wished I hadn't even went out. I miss you. I hate myself."


He stayed silent.

He sighed.

"Whatever," he placed his head back on the table.

Was that chest supposed to be a secret? Did I invade his privacy?

I feel bad.

Should I tell him..

Maybe next time.

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