Chapter 7

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• Jac's POV •
It had been a few weeks since I met him. The Flash. I was walking to Big Belly Burger to get Barry and I some lunch. I could teleport but I wanted to be as normal as possible. I was walking past an alleyway  when I felt something hit the back of my neck. Everything went black.
• Barry's POV •
Something was wrong. Jac was late. She was never late. Not for lunch. She always brought me some type of food a little after noon. It was 12:45. Nothing was going on in the city. I would've gotten a notification. She wouldn't just forget. Something was wrong. Something was very wrong. "Where are you?" I went to S.T.A.R. Labs. No one was in the main room. I was about to pull up camera feed from all around the city when a video popped up on the screen.
• Jac's POV •
I started to wake up. Everything was a little bit blurry. "Well well well. Look who's up." "Tom?" "And we have a winner!" My vision cleared up. He was holding a gun out in front of himself, pointed directly at me, about 200 feet away from me. I tried to teleport. "Oh. That's not going to work." He pointed to every upper corner of the room. "Power dampeners." "Why are you doing this?" "Barry Allen." "What?" "He ruined my life. I was a temporary CSI for too long. When I got back to Starling they had replaced me." "Tom---" "And then there's you and the rest of the metahumans. So here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to give you a choice. You or Barry Allen?" There wasn't a question. "Me." "What a hero. But before I kill you I'm going to make this a little more interesting."
• Barry's POV •
The video played. A man talking to The Flash about saving the life of an innocent. It was Jac. He gave the address. I ran there.
• Jac's POV •
"The Flash is coming.", said Tom. Then the gun went off. A felt a pain in my chest and it was spreading. Everything started fading. I saw a flash of light. Tom was restrained. Everything kept fading. I felt The Flash touch my arm. "Hey Hero.", I said quietly. Everything went black.
• Barry's POV •
She had been shot. She had passed out. I didn't have much time. I picked her up in my arms. "Stay with me Jac. Please." I raced her to the hospital. I quickly changed and got back to the hospital. I sat right outside her room while the nurses and doctors tried to stabilize her. Joe got there as fast as he could. "Barry? What happened? CCPD found the guy." "She got captured and shot." Just then she flatlined. After about a minute her heart started again. "She'll be ok Bear. She's a fighter." "I know. It's just... Hard."
• Jac's POV •
I woke up. I was in the hospital. Barry was sitting in a chair at the end of the bed. "Barry?", I asked groggily. "Hey. Hey Jac you're awake!" "What happened?" "You got shot. By Tom Saxon." "That psycho." Barry laughed. "Um. Jac?" "Yeah Barry?" "Having you been talking to The Flash?" "Bear..." "He put you in danger." "This isn't about him." "Then what is it about?" "Nothing." "Jac! You got shot!" Him yelling at me made me sad. I guess he saw that because of what he said next. "Jac... I'm sorry. It's just... You're heart stopped. He was almost too late." "Barry... I'm alive." "Yes you are. Get some rest. I'll be right outside." I fell asleep.
A couple days passed. I was released from the hospital. I was off of work until I had made a full recovery. Dr. Summers was very generous. I was walking to my apartment. I was headed down an alleyway. It was a shortcut to my apartment. Suddenly The Flash was in front of me. "Hey Hero." "It's good to see you back on your feet." "Thanks by the way." "For what?" "Saving me." "I was just returning a favor." I chuckled quietly. "You know you could've died. You need to stop." "This wasn't about my powers." "Then what was it about? Was it about me?" "Man you've quite the ego don't you? No. It wasn't about you. He gave me a choice." "A choice?" "Yes a choice. My life or my best friend's."
• Barry's POV •
Those words crushed me. "And for me there wasn't even a choice.", she added.  "Why?", I asked. "He's my best friend." "And what would he have done if he lost you." "I didn't think about that." "No. You didn't." "Oh no! You don't get to pull that on me! I've known him since we were kids. The first thing I did was protect him! What would make this any different?!" I had hit a nerve. "And then he got hurt. On the night of the particle accelerator explosion. I WATCHED HIS HEART STOP! Again and again!" "I'm... I'm sorry." "I c... I couldn't lose him again." Tears were forming in her eyes. "So yeah. I chose him over me. Is there a problem with that?" "No." "Good. Now if you will please excuse me, I really would like to go home." "Are you going to walk all the way?" "Well, it hurts to teleport, so yeah." "I'll take you. Where do you live?", I asked. I already knew. I had been to her apartment a dozen times. She told me the name of her apartment. I picked her up to take her there. "My hero." I guessed I smiled because of what she said next. "Whoa." "What?" "Nothing I just... Have never seen you smile." I raced her to her apartment. "Thanks for the lift and sorry I lashed out at you." "No problem and don't worry I get it." "See you around, Hero." "Goodbye Jac." She went into her apartment. She had saved me. She had done it to save me. Again. The good side of the impossible.

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