Chapter Five

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                                                                        Chapter Five

His music swirled about the room and bound me like a python binds its prey. My heart beat accelerated greatly and attempted to reverberate in my head, but Erik's music forced it out. My fingers turned icy and grasped my kneecaps, I breathed heavier...what was Erik doing to me? I couldn't sit still, I fidgeted, my hands shook and began sliding their way to the place I only thought of when I ran to the water closet. The worst part was, I couldn't stop them.

All of my demands were overridden by Erik's music which now blasted from the organ, it was melancholic and loud, two extremes I never thought of putting together. I turned my head to him to see his fingers working busily about the keys, my, now more than ever I wanted those skeletal fingers on me...I wanted them all over me! I shook my head quickly, hoping to rid myself of such inappropriate thoughts--as I had done in the gypsy camp--but this time, it did not work. I gritted my teeth and laid my head back, upon the wall, and groaned softly. My trembling hands reached my pelvis and sat on my was like they were waiting for something.

I felt something flowing through me, it started in my head, and ended at my feet. But, on the flow's voyage through my body it felt as if, most likely, was gathering in my stomach. It was warm and tingly, and it was pleasurable. It fell down to my pelvis almost instantly and my hands reacted faster than my brain, massaging a place I had never really learnt about. I groaned softly at first, feeling his music pulsate throughout my body, then, I moaned louder, speaking his name.

Over and over.

I couldn't keep still any longer, I slid down, onto my back and my feet kicked the air. My hand that wasn't massaging 'that place' grasped a handful of the sheets, they rubbed and itched against my hand, but that didn't matter. Not now. "Erik!" I screamed, thrusting my lower body into the air, his music beat harder and harder through me as he came to the crescendo, slamming his fingers down upon the beaten keyboard.

I screamed my lungs out as I too hit my crescendo. 

As the song came down from it's high the music running through me lessened, becoming softer and softer with each breath. My hands lay sprawled out beside me, exhausted from his musical trial. Erik's song ended and all that I heard were his footsteps and my heartbeat pounding in my brain, Erik stood over me for a moment, his hands together behind his back. He knelt down to one knee and took up my hand, kissing it softly. "Now you know, my angel, why I must never play my 'Don Juan Triumphant' around anyone...okay?" He said quietly, kissing my cheek.

I nodded to the best of my ability. 

Erik lifted me from the cot and carried me back--bridal style--to my dressing room where Madeline sat on my bed, awaiting our arrival. She stood quickly and ran to the door, shutting it after Erik walked in. He laid me down on my bed and sat next to me, running his fingers through my hair. "What's wrong with sissy?" Madeline asked, oh, Madeline, so naïve.

"Nothing. She just, learned something about music today, Madeline." Erik answered calmly, I smiled and held his hand, my eyes were half closed.

"What was that?" Asked my sweet little sister.

"It is dangerous" whispered Erik.

* Erik, Madeline, and I sat in the posh carriage that the Count Philippe and Viscount Raoul sent for us. Erik was not happy about dining with the Viscount. "He's a fop" Erik grumbled as we drove to the de Chagny home.

"Be nice" I said, giving his hand a squeeze "at front of Madeline"

"Sissy, I've heard worse!" Madeline countered.

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