The two Justin's

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(Y/N 'S P.O.V)

I was still in the van. Jason was smoking while he waslooking at me with his dark brown eyes. He was half in light and half in dark I couldn't imagine what he had in his mind. He wanted to kill me? He wanted to rape me? I didn't know what to do. My feet and my hands started to hurt so much that i couldn't do anything. "What I did?" I said and Ι broke the silence "Nothing" he looked into my eyes and I didn't say anything else."My family and friends will start looking for me" I looked at him with hate and he answered me "That will be the best! Do u know how much I could take from your little friend?" he laughed and he grabbed me from my chin. "Forwho one you say?" I asked even I knew that he was talking about Justin "C'mon you are a smart girl! I'm talking aboout your rich friend named Justin Drew Bieber the son of the billionaire Jeremy Bieber" he told me and then the van stopped "It's time to you stop watching everything" heextinguished hiscigarette and he put a black fabric around my eyes. I couldn't do anything.

I heared him walking off the van and two other men came in and took me frommy arms. They took me into a place with more light but Ιstill couldn't watch anything. Ι hadn't my bag anymore, I hadn't my only way to call the police cause my phone was in there. We kept on walking and then they put me into a big soft chair and they took off the cord from my arms and my feet. "Don't take off the fabric" told me a man with deep voice. I did what he told me and i stayed there while I was rubbing my wrists.

Then an another person came in with quick steps and told to the other two something that I couldn't hear. I heared quick steps again and the door closed.Then someone came close to me and took of the fabric. I blinked my eyes quickly to adapt to the light. In front of me was a man about 25 years old, tall with light brown hair and caramel eyes. He was like Justin, he was reminding Justin, he was exactly like him in many ways. The hair, the eyes the face, the body and most of all the way he was moving. He was like Justin's twin... But Justin hadn't any brothers only a sister named Emma...

(Justin's P.O.V)

It was 4a.m. and I couldn't sleep. She hadn't call me to tell me that she's ok soI took my i-phone and started writing a text.

From: Justin To: Bubblegum :D

Hey! R u ok?

U didn't call me so I worried about u!

I sent it and I kept watching MTV. I had her in my phone as bubblegum cause from the moment I met her for first time when we were18 at a pool party, She was chewing a bubblegum and everytime I see her, she chews bubblegums. She's just adorable. I have waited for her message till 5:30 a.m. and nothing. I felt asleep at 6 a.m. and at 8:30a.m. I woke up to go to my office.

I work as a lawyer and I have opened an office with (Y/N) cause she's a lawyer too. So we work together. We very good as a team so we've got no problems.

I wore my grey suit with a grey tie and a baby blue shirt. I took my briefcase and I took my keys and I went out of my house. I locke the door and I got in my Audi SUV. Ι put my briefcase to the passenger seat and Ι started driving off.


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