~10~ (Nick's POV)

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Yes bitches..
I finally updated..
And yes..
It is in Nick's POV
Another few chapters following this, might also be.. 😉😉
No promises there..

"Well I always had a thing for paranormal stuff. So shoot. How bad can it be.." she says confidently.

I reply instantly, "Not that bad.."

Taking a deep breath, and maybe preparing herself for whatever was to come, she nods her her head, motioning me to continue.

I start with a deep sigh, starting with why I acted like a jerk a few moments ago, "First of all, to clear why I acted so umm..kind of desperate that time.." Damn, it's embarrassing to say it out loud, clearing my throat, I continue, "well, that was because I had been waiting for my mate.. for you.. for more than 30 years now.."

She frowns at that, and I can almost suspect what's to come next. "Isn't that exaggerating a bit, I mean you just turned 30 last month."

"Well, that's a little difficult to explain.."

"What ?? So you weren't born on 18th of November in 1986..?" She asks, cutting me again.

I smile sheepishly, knowing the fact that she knows my birthday makes me all giddy inside. Fuck I'm behaving like a hormonal teenager, must be the effects of the bond. Looking at her, I starts again, "The date is correct not the year.. You see we werewolves age differently. We can live up to 150 or even 200 years.."

After hearing that, she had her mouth hanging open and eyes wide. Though she doesn't looks scared more like intrigued and even curious. With the same expression she asks, "When exactly were you born then ??"

I hesitate a little, having no idea how will she react, but answers nonetheless, "that was 1968.."

She seems lost in thought for a minute, but then looks at me and cautiously asks, "Doesn't that make you like 48 !!" It feels more like a statement than the question..

"Yes. Told ya we age differently.."

She gets lost in her thoughts again with a frown on her face, after some time she mumbles just like before, unconsciously thinking out loud, "That means he'll live for about 100 years more.. won't I be all wrinkled up till then.."

If it wasn't for my sharp hearing, I might have missed what she said. I'm not sure why but I find it kind of cute, her worrying about this.. So I decide to relieve her of this.

"Naah.. You won't be."
Her head snaps up and her eyes meet mine, "I said it out loud again.."

She pauses for a moment but then starts again, "But, how so.. ??"

"Well, I had to explain you from the start for that. For werewolf mates, they have to bite each other in order to complete the claiming ritual. The enzymes excreted from our bites leaves a certain smell that distinguishes them and marks them as mates in other's eyes as well.

For what I've heard about werewolf-human mating so far, obviously only the werewolf bites and claims the human mate. But, in their case, this enzyme not only leaves the smell of their werewolf mate, but it also changes the DNA structure of the human, making them a kind of hybrid."

She listens all this with such a calm demeanor, it's surprising. She's actually taking it all in way better, than I have imagined.

After assessing what I said, she speaks, "So, when you'll claim me, I'll not become a werewolf, but something in between a werewolf and a human. I still didn't get the aging concept though."

The idea of her accepting me as her mate makes me even more giddy, even if she said that unconsciously, it brings a smile to my face, "Well, Yes.. You'll become a hybrid. As for the aging concept, hybrids are as I said earlier, something in between a werewolf and a human..

That way they can't have a wolf soul, but they possess their abilities. Like better hearing, sight, speed, metabolism, strength and they also age like werewolves. It's like their bodies becomes accustomed to their werewolf mate, making it easier for them to keep up and adjust easily."

At the back of my mind, I can feel my beta Tyler, trying to make a connection. While Shawna gets lost in her thoughts again assessing all this information, I lets him in.

*Where the hell are you man ? I thought you'll be here before us.. Did you forget how to drive ?*

*My driving skills are same as before. We were just talking. More like breaking some ice..*

*I can tell you both needed that. Be back soon. By the way, Debbie called, she got caught up in some pack business so she'll be here tomorrow.*

*I thought so.. You didn't tell her about Shawna.. right ??*

*Of course I didn't. She'd be here if I would have.*

*Thanks Tyler. We'll head back now. And I think Shawna had enough dose of lycanthropy for today.*

After I cut off my connection with Tyler, I find Shawna with a weird expression. She looks a little pale, eyes wide, mouth hanging open, almost like she's seen some ghost. I slowly approach her and asks cautiously, "Are you alright ??"

She looks me in the eye, her eyes going even more wide, and utters, "Nopes.."

A Nick Bateman Fan-fiction: Unexpected EncountersWhere stories live. Discover now