I Fell For My Builder, Too Bad He's A Jerk.

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New story :D Hope you like it :P


I Fell For My Builder, Too Bad He's A Jerk.

I looked around the small attic room after heaving the last of the boxes up here, and let me tell you that it wasn't easy getting the heavy boxes up three flights of stairs. I let out a sigh as I relaxed looking at my new room. I can't believe I have finally moved. It has been what? Two hours since we left Inverness? I already miss it. I miss my friends, our old apartment, everything. But I can't do anything about it.

I walked over to the small window in the corner of my room, carefully avoiding the extremely sloped roof, to look out at the vast amounts of green. It is so different here, so... remote. The nearest shops are miles away, hell, so are the nearest neighbours! Just then a white van became visible rolling down our never ending driveway.

"The builders are here!" I yelled with excitement while leaping around and bolting for my door. Completely forgetting about the low roof as I banged my head against it with a loud thud. "Ow." I muttered quietly while rubbing my sore head. This is exactly why we are getting builders! To sort the god damn to low roof! It was meant to have been done before we moved but the buyers of our old house had wanted it earlier so we had to leave earlier too.

I continued to run down the stairs. My hand running along the brown polished banister and grabbing the bottom bit so I could spin myself around. I was jumpy with excitement. Dad had said it could be my project over the summer holidays since it was my room they were working on. Personally I think the reason he is letting me do it is more to do with taking my mind off the move, but I don't care. I love doing stuff like that.

I ran down the hall trying to get to the other staircase but something got in the way. "Woah!" My step brother gasped as he got knocked back from our impact. "Watch were you're going idiot!" He said again as I gained my composure, it was like running into a brick wall.

"Shut up freak." I bite back trying to get past him but he wasn't budging. Stupid idiot.

"What's the hurry?" The corners of his mouth tugged up into mocking smile and he flicked his dirty blonde hair out of his grey eyes with a flick of his head. You definitely couldn't mistaken us for actually being brother and sister as his slightly curly blond hair was a complete contrast to my poker straight black hair. Even his grey eyes were completely different to my turquoise, but we sure act like brother and sister.

"Nothing, just move!" I bounced from side to side trying to find a way around him but it was to no avail. He was to blooming big, unfortunately not fat big. I mean six foot tall swimmers body big.

He made a clicking noise with his tongue that sounded like 'tut tut'. "Rayne, Rayne, Rayne." He shook his head. He, like the rest of the human world, pronounced it Ree-an not the way it was meant to be. It was meant to be pronounced like Rain, but that was fine with me. I like it better that way. "You should know how to respect your elders."

"Your only one month older Ali!" I said throwing my arms up as I gave up on trying to get past him and focused my angriest glare at him. "Now move!"

"Ah, but a month is a lot longer than you think. A lot can happen in a month, trust me." He said grinning. I hate him like all siblings hated each other, probably more.

"For Gods sake Ali. Just get out my way!" I was desperate to talk to the builders. I wanted it all to go just how I imagined it, but my stupid ass of a step brother was not moving. He raised his eyebrows as he waited. I let out a huge sigh letting him know how much I didn't want to do it but I knew what he was waiting for. "Please," I mumbled as I looked anywhere but him.

"Why certainly!" He said happily as I looked back up (about a foot up. Blooming massive!) at him. He had moved to the side and a big triumphant grin was pasted on his face. I quickly walked past only turning briefly to raise a finger up at him while sticking my tongue out. I could hear him laugh as I continued down the stairs.

As I got nearer the bottom I stopped after hearing voices and made my way slowly to a position I could see. There were two men at the door one just out of sight but the other was talking to my dad. He looked about forty but was quite handsome for his age with a strong looking body and short, thick, brown hair.

Just then the other guy stepped further into the house and I was able to see him. My breath caught at the sight, he was far past handsome. I guess he was about my age with brown hair that flicked around his face with natural blonde highlights. As if sensing my presence his light blue eyes lifted until gazing straight into mine and I could swear they widened for a second, but it happened so quickly I could have imagined it. His luscious mouth tilted into a devastatingly gorgeous smile that I couldn't help but smile back at.

Looks like this project is going to be even more exciting than even I anticipated.


I promise that even though I am starting a new one does not mean TGHGND will get ignored. I am still 90% focused on that one but I am stuck at the moment and wanted to try something different. Please tell me what you think :D

Okay I thought I would add this as people are getting confused. It is her STEP BROTHER not BLOOD so I know That it takes nine months to make a baby but the are only related as her dad married his mum. Okay? Sorry If I made it unclear :D

Love Julie x

Ps. The picture at the side is Rayne (Katy Perry) But she is not normally that slutty looking but I like how the person looks their but I couldnt find the other picture I had so yeah that'll have to do.

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