I Fell For My Builder, Too Bad He's A Jerk. Part 2

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Sorry it took sooooo long but it is the next part and I really want to know what you think. Plus The next chap of TGHGND should be up soon.

So gooo on and read :P


I twiddled my fingers together while swapping my weight from foot to foot. I looked around my new room; at the slopped walls and unpacked boxes. Thank god there still packed. I thought as I imagined this incarnation of god seeing the pictures of me with my friends at Halloween or the baby pictures my dad just insists on having up. That would not be particularly fun for me.

I looked up at him as he measured the walls with his strong muscled arms. I couldn't help but let my gaze follow him. I had been sneaking glances at him since my dad and his (the older builder, I found out) had been talking about something money related, to be honest, when you have someone as hot as him sitting there it is very hard to focus.

"Watching me are you?" I jumped at the sound of his voice and then blushed bright red. Stupid Rayne, note to self, don't stare for too long. It's kind of creepy.

"Em, no. Maybe. Yes." I stuttered twisting my hair with my fingers looking anywhere but at him. A little too late for not staring. I thought internally rolling my eyes at myself. He just let out a heart throbbing laugh making me blush even more.

"Don't worry," He whispered and I felt two fingers lift my chin up so I was facing his dreamy bright blue eyes. We were so close I could feel his warm breath pan my face. "Your not the first, and you wont be the last." He pushed back and continued to measure and note it down on the clip board. I made a hrmpf sound and sat down on my bed. Mr. ego it looks like.

"My names Dylan by the way." He said not lifting his head from what he was doing.

"Didn't ask." I shrugged as nonchalantly as I could.

"You were thinking it though."

"Hmm," I tilted my head to the side in pretence thought as I felt his eyes on me. "nope. Can't say I was." I smiled sweetly turning to meet his gaze. Two can play at his game. Then he simply smiled. My calm and cool front just melted away. Damn it! No one and I mean no one should be able to do that.

"So, what are you wanting done?" he asked gesturing to the far wall. I took in a deep breath gaining my spinning head again.

"I want an en suite bathroom at the end and these walls higher so I don't walk into them as often." I then closed my eyes and mentally slapped myself. I could have left that detail out. When I opened my eyes sure enough there he was ginning his face off. "How long will it take?" I snapped narrowing my eyes at him.

"Oh don't worry, long enough for you to have plenty of time with me." He placed a hand on his hard toned chest.

"You should be careful. I can get you fired, I'm your boss, remember." I said pointing a finger at him and then quickly pulled it down because there is a high chance that looked stupid. Like most things I do, I thought.

"I could never forget, I love a woman in charge." He said waggling his eyebrows.

"Oh, eww! Please keep your sexual fantasies to yourself." I shook my head slightly but more at the pang that went through my body. Dirty, dirty Rayne.

"You're the only one bringing sex into it. I can't recall saying that."

"No, but you were thinking it." I mocked in his tone.

"Yup, not going to lie unlike some people."

"I'm not lying when I say you're an ass!" I grumped back and leant against the wall. I flicked my hair so that it was flowing done my front. I have to say I like my hair, I got it from my mum, well, that's what my dad says. She left us when I was born so I wouldn't know. I don't care about her anymore, she left me so why should I?

"Again not the first and definitely won't be the last." He said but I could see his eyes follow the small movement of me pulling my hair forward.

"Now that I'll believe." I mumbled more to myself but he still laughed making my heart throb again.

"Dylan!" The older builder or Dylan's dad called from downstairs. Should really learn his name...

"Well..." He drifted off in loss of my name.

"Rayne, but most people pronounce it Ree-an." I told him not quite sure why I told him the whole history of my name. I don't do that normally, but something just made me.

"Well, Rayne, looks like it's time to go." Dylan said with a smile pronouncing my name like it is meant to be as Rain. I couldn't stop the shudder that went down my back as he said it. "Don't be looking at my bum as I go." He cockily said with a wink and headed out the door, and my eyes went straight to his gorgeous bum. Shit!

"Yeah, well, don't trip on your way out. With your inflated head you'll go down like a brick!" I yelled back as I ran to the door to shout it after him and I heard a laugh before I slammed it shut. I leaned on the door my heart pumping as I slid down the door so I was sitting on my bum.

I sat there for a while until someone tried to open the door banging my back.

"Oww!" I moaned as I got up to turn to see Ali's big head sticking through the door. "What the hell?! Don't you ever knock?" He just shrugged and walked all the way in and sat down on my bed.

"Just came to make sure you were still alive."

"Well I am." I stated and then made a shoeing action with my hands at him, "So you can vamoose now."

"Nah, I am quite comfortable. Besides I want the gossip on the hot builder." He said and I rolled my eyes and sat on the other side of the bed while putting my feet up. If anyone else had said that I would have put them as being gay, but Ali is not normal.

"You know you sound extremely gay while saying that."

"Not my fault I am comfortable enough with my sexuality to admit when another guy is attractive." He said simply whiping it to the side jokingly with a very gay flick of his hand. I just laughed, we always argue but it anyone knows how to cheer me up it would be Ali. "Your getting off the point here Ray." I filled him in with everything Dylan had said and at the end all he did was laugh! Laugh for gods sake!

"It's not funny!" I complained punching his arm.

"Yes," He said smiling and nodding his head, "it is."

"Your meant to be a big brother about it and get all mean and macho on him." I said while pretending to show my non existent muscles with a pose.

"Ah, but Rayne that would be hypocritical because I do the same to so many of my adoring girls..." I punched him again with a smile on my face. "Talking of girls when do you think we can hit the town so I can start on getting to know the female population of the area." He said winking. I just shook my head with a smile on my face.

"Well we'll have to go into the city because the "female population"" I said using air quotes with my fingers, "near this house would be cows." He just laughed. "Lets go tomorrow." I said, "right now I want to check out the land and stuff, wanna join me cowboy?"

"Why sure little lady," He said putting on a perfect cowboy accent and pretending to lift a hat off his head. As I went to find a coat in one of the many unpacked boxes I caught the sight of a measuring tape at the side of the stairs. The one that Dylan was using and I couldn't help but hope that I would be seeing him soon.


There you go people. Please vote and comment! I want to know what you think about it.

Julie x

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