To all mothers who's children went to war for just one cause, Freedom.

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On a restless night,
At one of our countries quiet mountain,
I see the lights of the town I was born in,
I see them my friends,
My heart aches to be so far from those warm lights.

You would know my mother,
Tell her don't cry or mourn for me,
Don't worry over a missing child,
Don't question if I should be sleeping between grass and rocks,
Don't cry for a life that has been lost on this land, that smells of our blood.


Keep a tight leash on your patience,
We are moving into the country you gave birth to,
Next to life itself.
Even though it's hard,
I'm happy I told you!

How we stand tall without being intimidated by others,
In protests nobody dwells upon,
Not to show our suffering or anger,
But how we're looking for our equality.

At home a mother loves her son and daughter,
While me, my family and comrades are in war,
At one of our countries quite mountains.

...Well it is a war for freedom

One day if they come and throw my body,
Into the village square,
My face distorted,
And body filled with holes,
Don't look.
That couldn't be me,
Turn and face the mountains,
Look at the sky,
So that I can see your beautiful face,
See how proud and happy you are.
I wish you could hear and see along side me,
But I believe in the end we will be united again.

In one of our countries quiet mountains,
Hand in hand with the Stars,
I am in a happy place,
The land so white and peaceful,
Everywhere you face its dawn.
It reminds me of the peace in the mountains,
I'm with such brave young people,
They are my ancestors,
The ones who came before me.

When you had lost me,
I am trying to understand,
Why you didn't look for me,
I am not judging you,
Your son will be given to you Mother,
This is my debt Mother.

In the March of millions,
Me you and many more,
In the road to Diyarbakir,
Took shots of pictures with bullets,
How did you forget in such a short amount of time?

Demons would come and knock on your door,
And ask for your son,
Tell them so they know,
It is my only destination and address,
The abandoned mountain pasture.
Don't think that the rivers are running calm they are angry,
The mountains have forgotten how to forgive barbarians.

Can you separate a child from its mother?
Even birds haven't abandoned their nests,
This loneliness,
In the birds nest,
In the land in which we originated from,
In our fight for the oppressed,
I have found you,
You you gave birth to me Mother.

If one day I die,
Don't come to my grave and,
Lie your head in my grave stones,
To express your love and pain.
With your white clothes you are a Jewell in my eyes Mother.
As you can see and question Mother,
You have finally learned the truth.

One side of me facing a shower of bullets,
The other facing a beautiful day with a field of sunflowers.
In my whole body, soul and life, all I wanted was to wave our flag proudly Mother.

It's a rainy day,
We are walking down a path,
Looks like we aren't the the first or the last Mother.

The night is our bell to sleep,
And dawn the priests church,
Don't worry about me not getting enough sleep.
The sleep that make's nature beautiful is awake.
The seep that is missed.

It's not that I don't miss you,
I do, I miss you so much,
But I'm not alone,
I'm with friends and comrades,
On the front lines of revolution.

I'm sorry I couldn't be with you now Mother...

-Ninja 5.0.1

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