Part.2 Normani's Surprise

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Lauren: Kenzie sweetie Wake up. It's about time to leave

Kenize: But i dont want to leave you mom

Lauren: i know. But you have to go with grandma ok. I don't what your Mama thinking you just stayed here ok

Kenize: ok. But when will I be able to see or come over your house again

Lauren: soon ok. Just go and get on some new clothes on

Kenzie: ok


(On the phone with Dinah)

Lauren: Dinah are u picking up Kenzie or is MamaDre picking her up

Dinah: im picking her up. I have a question

Lauren: Go

Dinah: Did Kenzie enjoy herself with u last night.

Lauren: Yeah she had fun. Camz came home so we watched a Movie. Are u ok?

Dinah: Yeah ok.

Lauren: Dinah i know your lying to me. What happened

Dinah: Mani had me sleep on the couch last night. For what I said to her over a text message

Lauren: Haha sorry for laugh. Should I come over with Kenzie

Lauren: So is Mani letting u sleep in bed with her tonight

Dinah: i dont know. She said she had surprise for me

Lauren: i want to know

Dinah: i dont know what the surprise is tho. I can come over and get my child myself. Ok bye

(Dinah Hangs up the phone)

Kenzie: was that my mama

Lauren: Yea she coming to pick u up ok

Kenize: wait i thought grandma was

Lauren: she had to work today. Now go watch TV. Well i get Auntie Mila to make u Breakfast

Kenize: All right

Lauren: Camz
(No Answer)

Lauren: Camila
(Still no answer)


Camila: yes Lauren. What now

Lauren: can u make Kenzie breakfast I need a shower

Camila: Are u serious Lauren

Lauren: yes. Now get your fat ass up. Before I hit that Ass foreal

Camila: but i want u too

Lauren: Go make the girl breakfast

Camila: Leave before u won't get no Ass. Bye lauren.

Lauren: ok. But i have my special ways to that ass of yours

Camila: Leave Lauren. So annoying

Lauren: no. Im not

Camila: LAUREN

Lauren: soorrry. I'll take my shower now


Dinah: im leaving Mani

Normani: Where are u going

Dinah: im going somewhere

Normani: Where Dinah?

Dinah: im picking up Kenzie. Why

Normani: Dont forget the surprise that i have for u. Love you

Dinah: Love you too

Normani: Bye. Make sure u bring the girls over to. The surprise is for them too

Dinah: Ok

(Driving home with the Girls and Kenzie)

Ally: So the surprise is for us too

Dinah: Im scared to know what it is

Lauren: i really what to know what it is

Camila: What is wrong with you Lauren

Lauren: Nothing just excited

Ally: Oh ok. Kenzie how was it at Moms house?

Kenize: it was fun

Dinah: Cool. Ok we are here. Is everyone ready to hear her surprise

Everyone: Hell Yes, No, Sure

Dinah: Babe im home

Normani: Coming

Normani: Hey Kenzie. Hi Girls

Kenzie: Hi Mommy

Lauren: Get straight to the surprise Mani

Normani: Kenzie go sit by the girls

Camila: Soo...

Ally: Im not ready

Normani: So last night and this Morning I took a pregnancy test

Lauren: What happened

Ally: is positive or negative

Camila: Dinah are you in the room or outer space

Ally: Dinah you ok

Dinah: Yeah Yeah finish go Mani

Normani: And They Both was Positive with 2 lines ++

Everyone: Awwww

Kenzie: im going to be a big sister

Dinah: Wait What... Someone catch me im about to Bla-

Normani: CALL 911

To be continued

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