Y'all shall get the best one, after 6 months of not updating this book! Enjoy ❤️
Lauren: morning hoes (6:15am)
Ally: you alright?
Lauren: im ok just getting ready to go to school
Ally: oh ok, you driving or going to mani house so she can drive y'all ?
Lauren: nah I'm driving to get dinah so me and her can breakfast
Ally: pick me up🙆🏽♀️
Lauren: some food?
Ally: no get me from my house
Lauren: no cause than mani would wanna come and dinah said no
Normani: plz don't tell no one else about the conversation with had last night
Ally: we wouldn't 🤞🏽
Lauren: what ally said 🙈
Normani: thanks and ally you could come to my house and we get something to go before school cause I'm dressed already
Ally: I'll be there @7
Normani: alright
Ally: mani we should add camila back😗!
Normani: yeah we should girl i miss my babes in here even though I talk to her
normani: girl she ain't worrying about you
normani add camila to the group
Lauren: excuse my language this morning but fuck y'all 😤
Lauren: mani you lucky we don't go any classes together 🖕🏽
Ally: wait don't y'all got home room together?
Normani: ALLY
Lauren: ohhhhh i forgot about that cause you knew how I always came late but guess what I'll be early for once.
mila: Dinah why you not in the big boobs gc ?
Dj: something happened the other day over the weekend
mila: with who?
Dj: me and normani
mila: normani. woah that's a first. you only say her full name when you're mad at her
Dj: i am. Your gf aka normani's bsf didn't know about it either
Dj: so why you in the gc
mila: because i told mani to add me back. 👀
Dj: the fact that you're my bsf and Lauren is normani's bsf and we got ally as our bsf all together is crazy
mila: but we would fight for each other
Dj: I remember that time in junior year. where we all was on big disagreement and the next day someone said something rude about Lauren and you got all defensive to the point were we all had to help you because we knew you needed the help
mila: ok that was the only time. now we know you'll do anything to keep mani to yourself
Dj: well guess what!
mila: what!
Dj: she's pregnant