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Lauren and Camila were still at school while everything else went home

Principal Webb: camila never seen this side of you before throughout your life in high school

Lauren: Lmaoooo 😂😂

Camila: Lauren shut up

Lauren: no, you see principle Webb that's how she ended up slapping me

Camila: can I go home, I gotta go pick up my little sister from after school

Principal Webb: sure you can go and I'll see BOTH of y'all tmr morning before the 1st period

Lauren: yes sir peace ✌🏻

Principal Webb: And Lauren I'll be calling your parents about how you acting 😒

Camila walks out the office well Lauren keeps talking to the principal

Lauren: wait what you mean, I always got suspended because of her bullshit and now she finally get the same in return but hopefully gets suspended for what she did to me

Principal Webb: i understand Lauren but now it's time for you to go home

Lauren: ughhh, see you tmr morning

Principal Webb: I'm still talking to your parents tonight @6pm

Lauren: it's only 4:45 and you been talking to me and her for 1 hour and some minutes 😳

Principal Webb: go home Lauren

Lauren: kk don't forget your my favorite😉

Principal Webb: kk Lauren I wouldn't

Lauren walks out the school and walks through the parking lot and feels a push on her

Lauren: why would you do that??!!

Camila: it's your fault

Lauren: what you mean it's my fault?? Your the one that put your hands on me first like you just did

Camila: shu-

Lauren put her hands up thinking before she do and decide to put her hands down

Lauren: just leave me aloneeee, you pissed Dinah off already and now me too 😒
Lauren: dont even try to say something to me

Camila: was you just about to hit me?😦

Lauren: no I wasn't goodbye

Camila: you never put a hand on me before

Lauren: oh but you can wowwww
Lauren: leave me alone stop following me, don't you gotta pick up Sofia

Camila: ok bye bitch

Lauren: what the fuck you just say?!!

Camila: bye bitch

Lauren slaps Camila

Lauren: you never called me that, I been crying all these passed weeks BECAUSE OF YOU, since when you call me a bitch, I'm not the Bitchy one, you are okk, now you sit on the damn ground don't know what to do huh, stand up if you ain't no bitch

Camila didn't know what to do

Lauren: now you wanna be slient after all that talking you was just doing, you always wanna act bitchy with me but with other girls you don't, HOW ABOUT YOU GO DATE THEM, they not going to be like me, they going to treat like Shit and I heard that Samantha girl is Interested in you go out with her

Lauren wasn't done with the words that she had to say to Camila but Dinah came in and stopped her before doing anything else

Lauren: You know what fuck You karla😡, Dinah let go of me I'm going home fuck this shit

Dinah: Lauren stop

Lauren: what Dinah?!!, she hurt me really bad to the point I had to let me anger out i don't care how she feels about what I said

Dinah: Lauren sweetheart stoooopp did you put your hands on her

Lauren: what you think she's on the floor

Dinah: lets go nowwwww

Dinah takes Lauren home, while Ally and Normani helps Camila

Normani: are you ok?😕

Camila: no I'm not, look at my face

Ally: come on get up we gotta clear the area before anyone sees us

Normani: we not suppost to be over here in the school yard

Camila: ok but I got this

Ally: you sure?

Camila: yes I just wanna go home

Normani: Camila we'll drink you home, cause it's getting dark

Camila: ok thanks

Goes in the car, Normani drops Camila off home, didn't drive off till she was in the house

Ally and Normani in car driving to get food before Normani drops ally off

Ally: Lauren is really getting violent with Camila

Normani: she is-

Incoming call from Dinah❤️

Normani: you on specker , wassup

Dinah: guys Camila really hurt lauren

Ally: we know that, we'll talk about this in the gc

Dinah: and Lauren said something about that Samantha girl

Normani: wait what about her?!??

Dinah: we'll talk when y'all get home and mani be sure to drop me food to, you know I'm hungry cause that lunch was a disappointment to me today 😩

Ally: shut up girl😭

Dinah: byeeee *hangs up*

Normani drop Dinah's food off and then takes ally home and then Normani goes home


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