The Beginning

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Like with everything great, are story begins long ago. No humans remember these days and only artifacts show us what occurred so long ago. Around 1500 B.C.E, Atlantis disappeared without a trace into the ocean. That's what everyone believes, it sunk and disappeared forever, leaving us only with a few artifacts here and there making us think, what really happened? We know better though don't we. The Vril, an ancient race of beings, almost alien in nature, caused the strange happenings to occur. They left artifacts all over the Earth, and even the moon, then disappeared without a trace bringing Atlantis with it. The Vril devices weren't discovered for a few millennium by anyone very important and, before they were discovered, another very important factor caused the eventual death of the human race, the Earth, and even the time lines. Element 115, the worst thing to happen to Earth since the creation of the man. The element, although harmless for centuries in remote places of the world, had the potential to do great and evil things depending on who found it first. But, we're getting ahead of ourselves aren't we? That power isn't unleashed quite yet, at least not till WWII. Let's introduce are villain/hero of this dimension, or whatever he calls himself, Dr. Richtofen.

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