The Doctor

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Dr. Richtofen was a scientist for group 935 who worked under Dr. Maxis's command. Richtofen was a very sane and very reasonable man; a true man of science some would argue, working to improve the human condition any way he could, until greed eventually ruined everything. Group 935 was funded to help improve the human condition and use 115 and other elements to achieve it. The Group had the brightest minds and best scientists from all nations to work on creating helpful uses of 115 but had only achieved to create a weapon of mass-destruction, the wunderwaffe DG-2. Richtofen was the person who created this weapon with help but that's not his greatest achievement. Instantaneous movement through space was his greatest achievement or, as people like to call it, a teleporter. Richtofen began to work on it and, eventually, went to tell Maxis about his results. He moved a walnut a few feet. Maxis, of course, didn't find the results interesting at all, mostly because he had another reason for 935, to help the Nazi's win the war. Richtofen was furious when he found out the results of the experiments, believing that his research should be the one focused on instead of weapons and an army of the undead. So, with the information I've given you, this is where the story officially begins.

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