Trip of a lifetime

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The noises of the teleporter could still be heard as Richthofen travelled through space. It wasn't necessarily a bad sound but it was quite loud. Richthofen's heart could be heard beating loudly as he teleported and then a sudden rush of cold air hit him and he could finally see. Well, as much as one could see in such a dark area.
"Did it work Dr. Schuster?" Richthofen practically screamed into the cool, wet cave. "Did I teleport through the wall? Don't play jokes on me like this." But alas, Dr. Schuster wouldn't be coming because Richthofen was the furthest any human could possibly be away from Schuster.
"Since you won't answer, I'll play along with your stupid childish prank." Dr. Richthofen reached into the front pocket of his uniform and reached out a tiny portable recorder he had created. "Richthofen here, I've seem to teleported away from the original area, or it could all be a big cruel prank pulled by my colleague Schuster. Anyhow, this place is almost a totally new area of the complex, I feel lighter somehow, almost like I lost 100 pounds! I'll definitely need to research that. So, if Schuster is going to keep this charade up, I guess I'll look around."
Richthofen, although believing that Dr. Schuster was pulling a prank, was curious about the weight change and the temperature in the cavern. So, being the scientist he was, he started to look around the cavern and found some interesting things.
"It seems like somebody has been here before, seeing as there's a weird language on the walls. Could it be a civilization not recorded before Civilizations rise? Quite possibly."
That's when Richthofen tripped and fell slower to the ground then normal on Earth, almost like it was in slow motion. "A weird affect of this room is that there seems to be very little gravity here and it almost makes me weightless! I should examine this room more just to see why this happens!" Then Richthofen noticed the Vril pyramid. "There's a strange, device in this cavemen with more of the strange writing on it. It's almost like this cavern was made for this device. It looks shiny and almost wet. Maybe I could touch it and feel it for myself."
A shock. That's all it took for poor Richthofen to be turned into a madman. As soon as he touched that artifact, Richthofen had doomed the Earth, even the entire universe to other-worldly powers. So, like the still-sane man he is, he continued to talk into the recorder. "Gah! A shock! That was all it was. Thank the heavens!" A voice could be heard by no one, except Richthofen. "Schuster, is that you?" More of the voice. Richthofen starts to sweat and his heart picks up its pace. "Schuster, why do you whisper to me? Has something gone wrong that I'm unaware of?" The voice still went on and, even though, deep down Richthofen knew he had made a mistake, he refused to believe it, causing his eventual downfall. "It's alright Schuster I'm-" the same teleporting sound from before and Richthofen was whisked off to a far away jungle. There was no mistaking it, it was a jungle and, with Richthofen's new-found voice, he was stuck in isolation. "A jungle of some sorts. Weird. Is it possible Schuster knew of this flaw in the teleporter and purposefully let me go? No way. I'm the one who went barging in. SHUT UP!!!" Richthofen's scream echoed across the jungle and birds could be seen flying away. Richthofen sighed and simply went on talking to the recorder. "This, voice that has attached itself to me has been nothing but a burden, no, a parasite for these few minutes I've had it. It seems to have nothing to say but just rambles on and on. I feel that-" Screams could be heard from multiple people growing louder as they approached Richthofen. "What is thi- GAH!!! What are you doing? That's very sharp don't you know? HEY!!! Where are you taking me!?! Watch the spears!!!" Richthofen was taken away, not from a teleporter this time but by a group of jungle people. He doesn't get out of this predicament for quite a while but that's not that important. What is important is that the element 115 was abundant in this jungle and Richthofen was grateful for that, as he slowly lost his mind. Schuster worked extremely hard to get his friend back and added a feature to the teleporter, allowing it to teleport people to the point of origin which would theoretically let Schuster have his friend back. All that was needed was time...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2016 ⏰

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