The Fall Festival

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Narrator POV
Fall, truly a wonderful season for our main characters. With school just starting, Oliver and Skylar were ready to take on the 9th grade. With up and coming Fall festival, Skylar and Oliver had to decorate the forest the school rented out for the festivities.

Skylar POV

              I had just entered class only to see Oliver saving a seat for me. I of course took his generous offer. "Skylar, how are you doing and how is was weekend." Oliver asked excitedly. "It was as per usual, relaxing and a much needed break from school." I replied smiling. The school bell wrung time for a long day in high school. I had all my classes today which I usually don't so the day felt longer.Finally when math ended I could go talk to Oliver and discuss a theme for the dance. Oliver came out the English class room looking eager to talk to me. I approached him. "Skylar do you have any idea what theme, you want to do for the festival?" Oliver asked. "I was thinking like a pure fall/Halloween theme." I replied to Oliver. "Sure, I'll meet you at the forest with some supplies." Oliver said kindly. "Thanks, Oliver." I said approaching my locker. I got my bag and walked home to ask my mom for a ride. From there I met Oliver at the forest. "Whoa it sure does look beautiful here." My mom said. "You can say that again, I'll give you a shout when I need a ride, thanks for dropping me off." I said rambling. "See ya sweetie." I kissed my mom goodbye and I approached Oliver. The grey cardrove away. "It couldn't be anymore beautiful then I have ever imagined." I told Oliver looking at the swaying fall. "Much like you." Oliver said trying to flirt with me. "Oliver Jones, are you flirting with me?" I questioned blushing a lot. "Maybe so, maybe not." Oliver said pushing me into a pile of leaves. "It's on." I said grabbing Oliver into the pile. Eventually we got really tired and just cuddled in the leaves. We goofed of for thirty minutes and then we called Oliver's dad to help. "There you have it guys, the booth's are set up for the carnival." Oliver's dad said breathing heavily. "Thanks sir, now it's all up to us!" I said in excitement. "If it's alright with you dad I'm going to stay here." Oliver concluded. "Sure but I will be back here again at 10:00 o'clock so we can veiw the starts." Oliver's dad said opening the door to his truck. "Okay dad, see ya." Oliver said waving his hand. "Now time for us." He said staring into my eyes. I was lost in his eyes like a hillbilly in the city. It started to rain, great maybe I wore flannel and overalls for a reason, to keep me warm. He pulled me into the leaves again, but this time it wasn't to cuddle with me it was to kiss. We kissed repeatedly, Oliver's face was redder then a tomato, I was possibly just as red. He took off his jacket and handed it to me "I want you to have this, your special lady in my life and I could never admit till now. We shared the jacket and looked off the cliff only to see the night stars. I kissed him on the cheek and he blushed. Next thing I knew I passed out in Oliver arm's. 

             "What an awesome night." Oliver said looking at me. I looked at his alarm clock, wait a second... I'm in Oliver's room!? This is really awkward. But I like him so yeah it's cool. I looked at alarm clock on Oliver's night stand. It read 4:43, the rain was loudly dropping on the windows. "Hey Oliver." I said blushing nervously. "You passed out last night, so I secretly brought you home and I slept with you." Oliver concluded. "My mom must be worried sick." Oliver put his finger on my mouth. "My dad told your mom what happened she's ok that your here, and she dropped off clean outfit for you." Oliver explained. "Well that's great, did we end up finishing the festival work?" I questioned playing with Oliver's hair. "We'll talk later now get some rest school is in 2 hours." Oliver sighed. I fell asleep completely thinking about Oliver. And before I knew it it was 6:00am time to get to school. I got ready for school ate some breakfast courtesy to Oliver's dad man he makes good french toast and Oliver and I were on our way to school. It was a long day, but we finally made it through. Oliver's dad picked us up and dropped us of at the forest. Everything was were we left it. "What do you want to decorate first the booths or the stage." Oliver asked me casually. "Maybe the stage the live band is supposed to play there and they claimed they were coming early." I said making sense of the situation. "Sure." Oliver said moving the stage Oliver helped make yesterday. After 2 hours of moving, deciding, and decorating the festival was complete booths and all. "Oliver, shouldn't you call the people that volunteered to be cashiers for the booth's." I asked looking concerned. "Yep I'll be on it sweetheart." Oliver said as I pecked him on the cheek. "All right, thank you." I said waiting around. It was only a few minutes before the band showed up which was DNCE one of my personal favorite bands. They were practicing their songs while the volunteers showed up. In one hour everyone showed up, I ran the entrance for eye candy and not to mention I'm more of a people person then Oliver. Oliver was DNCE's roadie and the stage director. I would done that but I lost rock paper scissors. It was great people were dancing, everyone seemed happy, but the only bad part was that I couldn't have fun with Oliver. I closed the gate, there was only thirty minutes in the festival anyways. "This is the last song of the night." Joe said trying to get us fired up. I approached Oliver. "Shall we." Oliver said taking my hand. And we danced the night away until it was time to go home.       

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