1 : The screaming

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That's all you tried to focus on, but it was getting drowned out by the beating of your heart that grew louder with every tear that had escaped down your face. Their screams echoing in your mind, the gurgling noises wouldn't quieten down, always playing in your mind like a broken record.


A soft well-spoken voice broke you out of the trance you had gotten yourself into, the covers gently being pulled off you and the bed dipping, the cries finally escaping your lips, as arms wrapped around you.

As you opened your eyes, you found golden eyes staring back full of concern, softly laughing at yourself you wiped away the tears with shaky hands.

"I'm sorry Sal, I woke you up, didn't I?"

She shook her head and she pulled you in closer to her chest, her calm heartbeat filled your ears, you could hear her taking deep breaths, knowing this routine you followed, the rain slowly began to grow louder again, instantly washing away the thoughts.

"Do you want to talk about it my sweet?" Her voice; velvet to my ears, "you don't have to, we can lie here all night".

You debated if you wanted to talk about what just occurred, but your voice was lost once again, the anxiety that was disappearing made a fast come back, making your stomach do cartwheels one after the other, the bile in your stomach was ready to make an appearance.

"Hey, it's okay, you're safe, come on lets go into the kitchen, I've put tea in the pot it should be ready now."

Sal had gently put your hands in hers and helped you off the bed slowly, your legs shaky, the anxiety that had now settled deep within you making it difficult to be co-ordinated with your steps, leaning into your best friend, you both slowly made your way down the dimly lit hallway into the kitchen.

Your eyes scanned across the kitchen counter and landed on your favourite mug, the tears began to well up in your eyes, your legs carried you towards the counter, placing the mug back in its place, you grab one of the guest mugs. Looking back at Sal, she looked back, sadness filled her eyes as she was catching on to the thoughts and memories running through your mind.

"You had a dream again didn't you?"

"I was doing so well"

Tears were starting to collect in your eyes, catching themselves on your lashes making it difficult to see Sal, quickly blinking away, your lower lip began to tremble, and your body followed. Sal rushed forward and embraced you. Sobs erupted from your mouth, your breathing becoming more forced, the feeling of sadness was increasing and you could no longer stand on your feet, Sal held you in her arms as you both lowered to the floor.

Minutes had passed, your sobs were now turned to sniffles and the occasional nose wipe on your pyjama sleeve, Sal had removed herself from you and stood up, clattering around the small kitchen, she came back with a Chamomile tea, in the mug you had picked out, smiling as best as you could, your hands gripped the mug, sipping the warm liquid, it burned your throat from how dry it had become. Thoughts raced through your mind, but the guilt ate away at you.

"Y/n get out of your head, I was already awake, we don't have to talk about it right now, but when you're ready we can talk about it okay? For now, lets just drink out teas, and get back into bed, don't worry about work tomorrow, I will cover for you until you come in okay?"

Giving a small nod, you hand her the cup that was now empty, waiting for Sal you stayed on the floor until her hand was in your view. Once again, leaning into her, you both headed to bed your mind a little bit quieter than what it was.

As you both lay there, the words spilled out before you could think.

"I couldn't do anything about it Sal, I had to sit there and I couldn't look away. I watched them die in our own home, a place that's suppose to be safe, and for what? Some stupid business files? They lost their life to protect those damn files." Your voiced became more watery " I lost my family that day Sal, even Herbie. I had to sit there and not make a sound whilst I watched my parents life drain out of their bodies."

Rubbing your hands over your face you turned your head to look at Sal who gave you a reassuring smile.

"They stayed in the house for the rest of the night, destroying the place looking for those stupid files, I was hiding in the attic, but they couldn't find me I made myself curl up as small as I could and I hid in these big boxes my dad always insisted we would eventually need"

"So how did you see them? If you were in a box that is?"

"I don't know it was like I was a fly on the wall, the sounds they made whilst they lay there, Sal, it's all I hear, day in, day out. I don't know if I can do it for any longer".

"Y/n, have you considered telling your...dad?" Sal laughed softly at the question "I'm sure he would want to know, he knew your parents as well"

"Should I give him a call?"

Sal glanced at the small alarm clock by her bedside table, 4:48 AM.

"As much as I know he loves you, and he is probably awake doing his secret silly spy job, but call him later on in the day, come on lets get you to bed"

Snuggling in the comfort of your best friend's bed, you lay on your side facing each other. Goodnight's were barley whispered, as for the first time in that week, you could feel yourself falling asleep in contentment.

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