2 : A little talk

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It was around 12pm when you finally awoke, your eyes a little puffy, sleep sticking to you lashes. Groaning softly you gasp as you look at the alarm clock, panic setting in as you jumped out of bed, tripping over your own two feet as you hurriedly ran to your room and strip, quickly getting a shower, barley giving your hair the attention it needs, as you were scurrying around the bathroom for a clean towel, you grabbed your toothbrush and began to get ready.

It had taken you 10 minutes to gather yourself and your belongings before you were running out of the door and down the stairs of your apartment complex, having no time to wait for the lift that always felt like it was running on fumes. 


"Hi! Welcome to Resters, how may I- Oh I didn't think you would be in today, Sal told us you had a bad night!"

"Hi Russel, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to oversleep this mu-"

"Oh sweetheart, do not fret, I've had my fair share of night terrors! Go make a coffee and go sit with Ed he's on his break, he's sat in his usual seat"

Nodding at his words, you began to take your jacket off as you were making your way behind the counter, Ed had shouted over to you, looking around for him, he was already pointing at your drink sat on the table. Walking over, you slid into the chair facing him and took the drink into your hands.

" I 'erd off Sal that you had a bad night again? How you feelin' darling?"

"You're my therapist now?" you scoffed lightly "luckily, it wasn't like last time" Ed laughed at you like you were crazy shaking his head his eyes met yours.

"Well it's either, I'll be your therapist or, I will find you one that you will commit to. You can't keep putting it off, last time we thought-"

"I know" You held your hand up slightly, cutting his sentence short, already knowing the flow of words that would fall upon your ears. "I know okay, I really do, I just" breathing out heavily you closed your eyes as you sighed "I'm trying"

Ed placed his hands on yours and once you opened your eyes he gave you his dashing smile that always made you smile back no matter your mood. Footsteps were heard coming your way, Sal had carried a chair over, carrying her own small shot of espresso.

"What're we talking about?"

A new conversation was taken place, replacing the one you knew Ed would bring back up, the odd customers coming in, but it was nothing Russel couldn't handle as he waved you off telling you to start at 2.30, meaning you had 45 minutes to kill. 

After her 15 minutes were up, Sal had headed back behind the counter and was replaced by Russel who spoke before he was close to the table. 

"Y/n, you wanna help Ed today with the music shop?" He looked at Ed who gave a quick nod. "When you head in, hand over a record for us to play in here would ya?"

Both of you nodded, as Russel left he gave you a quick wink and went to sit with his wife who was telling him off for harassing his workers. You and Ed picked up the conversation once again, you had told him how you needed to call your dad after your shift to meet with him and talk to him and it carried on until you stepped foot over the line that separated the music shop to the café. Ed quickly grabbed a record that he knew would be suitable for the café and rushed over, not wanting to leave you alone for a long period of time.

That was one of the many things you loved about Ed, was his observational skills, no matter how hard you tried to hide your anxiety, or even when you're not feeling your best, he was always the first to catch on, and sometimes you hated him for it. Looking around the shop, you instantly got to work and grabbed a cart and began organising the records in a more suitable order and most importantly, the right genre.

The familiar cluttering of cups and cutlery were heard being placed in the dishwasher, Dolly's voice ringing round the corner. 

"Any dirty dishes bring to me! Closing time children!"

You and Ed shared a laugh as he used his hand you direct you to the cups you had both forgotten about, you had grabbed them leaving Ed to start cashing up and closing the tils, as you had already done the inventory for that day. Handing the cups over to Dolly with a smile, you looked around for Sal. You went up to the front counter and looked outside the windows, finding her stood outside talking to somebody you couldn't see, you watched her body language to try and detect if she needed any help but she was inviting the person in the shop. You quickly walked back towards Ed who was just closing the office door. 

"Hey darling, you ready to go home? I think Sal said she's heading out with Joshua so you've got me all to yourself" He beamed at you, already linking your arms to go clock out of work.

"Yeah, can I call dad in the car please?"

"Is that your way of telling me to keep the radio off until you're off the phone" he chuckled at you as you nodded your head, he gave you a dramatic bow "as you wish your highness"

The pair of you had clocked out and was walking to the front of the café, finding Sal and Joshua laughing softly with the older couple as they waited, gaining their attention Joshua gave you both a polite hello and a wave to which you had returned, Sal had asked if you needed the ride home, but Ed had jumped in and informed her of the plan you had recently just made. She looked you in the eyes, her tone turning more serious.

"Y/n please call your dad okay?"

You nodded as you waved her off walking to Ed's car as she locked up the café. You reached for your phone in your jacket pocket and was already dialling your dads number, pressing the phone to your ear, it had barely rung before he picked up.

"You alright kid?" he was met by silence as you could feel your throat closing up at the thought of disappointing him with the news that you fell down the ladder again. "kid? Can you hear me alright?"

"Hi, dad."

"Are you okay?!" He said laced with more concern.

"Yeah. I'm okay" from the side of yours eyes you could see Ed turning to face you unimpressed, "Actually, no I'm not, I had a bad night again, and it's not the first time this week either, it's just getting worse, each episode is getting more aggressive and I don't know how much longer I can keep going"

There wasn't a missed beat as he responded.

"Okay kid, I hear you, what do you need?"

You could hear commotion in the background and guilt began to eat away at you, Ed had started the car and slowly began to drive out of his parking space, you looked out of the window as you spoke.

"Did I catch you at a bad time? If I did I can let you go deal with whatever it is I can hear in the background?"

"Kid, don't worry about it, you never catch me at a bad time, now tell me, what do you need?"

"I need you dad" silence filled the air as you anxiously waited for a response, you sighed softly as you spoke "dad?"

"I'm here, I'm on my way where are you?"

"I'm with Eds, could you come tomorrow?"

"Of course, I'll be there 9am, I love you, give my hello to Eddie"

You rolled your eyes whilst smiling at Ed who heard his full name he gave a quick loud hello to which your dad chuckled.

"I love you too dad, be safe we will see you tomorrow"

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